Daily Devotional for October 25, 2019
Get Your Armor On!

“I can’t wait for the costume party at school!” Aaron yelled as he jumped off the front steps and practiced a high kick. “I’m going to wear all black and be a ninja!” He ducked behind a tree just as his brother Matthew was coming around the garage. “Boo!”
“Ahhhh!” Matthew yelled in surprise, then started laughing. “You really got me that time, Aaron!”
Julia giggled. “You’ll make a great ninja, Aaron! I’m going to be a cat. What are you going to dress up as, Matthew?” Julia asked her oldest brother.
“Well, last night before bed, I was reading a passage in the Bible about the armor of God, so I think I’m going to be a knight!” Matthew said excitedly.
“Cool! Are you going to make a sword?” asked Aaron.
“Yep!” Matthew grinned. “I’m also going to make a belt, a breastplate, shoes, a shield, and a helmet. You both can help me if you want.”
“Yay!” Julia’s eyes twinkled in anticipation.
“But why does the Bible say we need all this armor? Are we supposed to be wearing this stuff every day?” Aaron asked thoughtfully.
Matthew smiled. “Yes, but it’s not armor you wear on your body. It’s all the things we need to stand our ground against our enemy, Satan. The belt represents God’s truth, which defeats Satan’s lies. The breastplate of righteousness is how Jesus makes us right with God when we trust in Him alone to save us from our sins. The shoes represent how we need to tell others about Jesus.”
“I bet I know what the helmet of salvation is!” said Julia. “Jesus saving us by dying on the cross and coming back to life! But what’s the sword for?”
Matthew slashed a pretend sword through the air. “The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God, our most powerful weapon against Satan. We need to make sure we’re reading our Bibles so we can be ready for whatever battle we have to fight. So, are you guys going to help me make my costume or what?”
Julia grinned. “Sure! But first, I think we should all read our Bibles for a bit so we can be ready for the REAL battle!” Savannah Coleman
How about you?
Are you putting on the armor of God every day? God has given us armor so we can stand and defend ourselves against Satan’s tricks. The truth of our salvation in Jesus is written in His Word. When you read it and take to heart what it says, you have a powerful weapon against Satan. With God as our strength, we can stand against the devil!
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