Daily Devotional for February 26, 2020
Get the Point? (Part 1)

Bam! Bam! Bam! Dad’s hammer pounded a nail into the board Beth was holding. “Well,” Dad announced dramatically, “another board has been placed in the custody of the treehouse! Thank you! Thank you very much!” Beth didn’t answer. “Uh, Beth?” Dad smiled sheepishly. “I’m waiting for some applause!”
“What? Oh, sorry, Dad,” came the answer. “I was just…thinking.”
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Dad asked gently.
“I just wish I had a good talent to offer to God,” Beth replied. “I can’t do anything useful. Josie can sing; I can’t. Rose is great with little kids; I’m not. I can’t do anything!”
“I see,” Dad said. “Can you hand me that nail?” Beth picked up a large nail and passed it to him. He accepted it and gazed at it for a second. “Beth, I have a question for you. What if nails began to think they were useless? What if they said, ‘If only we were boards, then we could help our builder’?”
“Well, that would be pretty silly,” Beth replied.
“Exactly! They’ve been given sharp points so they can be driven into wood, long bodies that can hold many pieces of lumber together, and flat heads that make pounding a breeze. Nails have been given everything they need to serve the one who’s using them. And so have you. Jesus gives each of us different abilities so we can serve Him alongside other Christians. Let’s think. What can you do to serve Jesus?”
“Well, I’m pretty good at playing the piano,” Beth said excitedly.
“You’re catching on!” Dad said. “You could play at church or the nursing home, or even give lessons to younger kids. And we haven’t even scratched the surface! You have so many talents that could be channeled toward serving our Creator. Are you starting to get the ‘point?’” Dad grinned. “Get it? Like a nail? Oh, that’s a good one!”
Beth giggled and hugged her dad. “Thank you, Dad. And yes, I do get the ‘point’!” Natalie Crowe
How about you?
Do you ever wish you were more talented? Do you look at your friends and think if only you had talents like them, then you could be useful and serve the Lord? Don’t compare your abilities to those of others. It takes many people to build the body of Christ, and God uses them all. He’s given you exactly what you need to serve Him in the way He wants. Be thankful for the talents He’s given you and use them to serve Him.
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