Daily Devotional for June 12, 2020
Get Rich Quick

“Alice, do you have fifty dollars I can borrow?” Sam asked his older sister.
“Fifty dollars!” said Alice. “No way! Mom said if you want that video game, you have to earn the money first.”
“But I need the game now!” Sam sat down with a loud sigh. “How can I earn money fast?” he asked as their cat strolled into the room and jumped up on Alice’s lap. “Maybe I can sell something. Maybe I can sell Scout!”
“What?” Alice pulled Scout closer. “You are not going to sell our cat!”
Later that evening, Alice thought of something. “You know, Sam, my teacher at church told us a way to get rich quick—or at least feel rich. I could tell you, but I’m not so sure you’ll like it.”
“I’ll like it! I’ll love it!” Sam said, tugging her arm. “Tell me what it is!”
“Well, what you need to do is count your blessings!” Alice explained. “Make a list of everything you’re thankful for—all the blessings God has given you. My whole class did it, and it was really cool to see all the stuff we came up with. Try it for yourself.”
Sam scrunched up his face. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
“You should try it anyway,” Alice urged.
Sam was doubtful but finally agreed and went to find a notebook. After a while
he returned. “Look at all the things I thought of, Alice,” he said, holding out the notebook.
Alice took the book and began to read the list: “Jesus, Mom and Dad, Alice.” She grinned. “You mentioned me!” she said, then went on reading. “Scout, my friends, our house, hamburgers…this list goes on for three pages. Wow! Your list is even longer than mine was.”
“Yeah, but I still don’t have money for that game,” said Sam.
“No, but our teacher reminded us that when we look at our list, we can see how much God has given us already,” said Alice. “Including His richest blessing of all— being saved from sin and having eternal life through Jesus. Things we own don’t last that long, but knowing Jesus lasts forever!”
Sam hesitated, then he nodded. “You’re right. Even if I never get that game, I’m already rich!” HOLLY F. CEPEDA
How about you?
Do you ever feel like you must have something in order to be happy? Sometimes you don’t get things when you want them; other times you may not get them at all. But stop and think about what you already have—your family, your friends, and most importantly, the gift of God’s Son, Jesus. When you remember the many blessings God has given you, you’ll see how rich you really are.
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