Daily Devotional for August 30, 2022
Game Night

Kerri and her family sat at the dining room table, playing their favorite word game. It was Kerri’s turn to make a word out of the letters she had on her board. She examined her letters carefully, determined to win. Her family was very competitive.
Kerri grinned as she spelled out the word quotient with her letters.
“Way to go, sis,” Kerri’s brother Austin said.
“That was a good group of letters, but I think I can beat that,” Dad said as he spelled the word zoological with his letters.
The game continued on for nearly an hour until Kerri’s mom finally won with the word flamboyant.
“Great game!” Dad said as he gave everyone a high-five. “Now let’s go into the living room for our devotions.”
Kerri and Austin sat on the floor. Snowflake, their white kitten, curled up on Kerri’s lap, and Kerri quietly stroked her fur.
“Our devotion tonight just happens to be on words and how we speak to others,” Dad said. He opened his Bible and began to read. “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” He looked at Kerri and Austin. “Tell me—how did Mom win the word game we played tonight?”
“She used the letters she got to build words, and her letters and words scored the most points,” Austin replied.
“Did she do that all by herself?” Dad asked.
Kerri shook her head. “We all built words off letters that were already on the board, so the letters and words we put down helped her build her own words to win the game.”
“Right,” said Dad. “That’s similar to what this verse is telling us to do in our lives. Our words should build others up so that everyone benefits from them. They should reflect the love of Jesus, who was willing to sacrifice Himself for our benefit.” He smiled at the kids. “Both of you used words in a way that benefited others tonight—not just the words you put on the board, but the ones that came out of your mouths too.”
Mom nodded. “I’m proud of the way you both played tonight—competitively but with kind words.”
-Lisa Fuller
How about you?
Do the words you say build others up? Are they beneficial and encouraging for those who hear them? Or are they often said out of anger with the intent to hurt someone? As Christians, it’s important for the words we say to reflect the love of Jesus. Let your words build others up by conveying the patience, kindness, and forgiveness He shows us.
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