Daily Devotional for September 2, 2017
Friendship Seeds
Camilla plopped down in the grass next to the garden. “I’m never talking to that girl again!”
“Who? And why not?” asked Dad. He was planting a row of carrots.
“Madison—the new girl down the street. I’m tired of trying to be friends with her. I said hi to her three times and all she did was look down. Then this morning I invited her to play kickball with some of the other neighborhood kids, but she said, ‘No, thanks,’ and quickly walked away. She’s so rude!” Camilla spotted the garden hose and remembered her little patch of marigolds near her bedroom window. She began to uncoil the long green hose.
“What are you doing with that?” asked Dad.
“It’s pretty hot outside, so I’m going to water my flowers,” Camilla replied.
“Why bother?” asked Dad. “The seeds aren’t growing. You planted them ten days ago, but I don’t see anything happening. They must be duds.” He fanned his face with his cap.
“You’ve gotta be joking, Dad,” said Camilla. “You know it takes time for seeds to grow. Just watch. Any day now flowers will be sticking their little green leaves up out of the ground.”
Dad smiled. “You seem to have faith that those marigold seeds you planted will grow. Why don’t you have faith in the friendship seeds you’ve been planting in Madison’s life?”
“Friendship seeds?” asked Camilla in surprise.
“That’s right,” said Dad. “Each time you reach out and show kindness to Madison, you’re planting a seed of friendship. Just like your marigolds, you can’t always see anything growing at first, but I think you should keep watering the seeds you planted and not give up trying to be friends with Madison. I don’t know much about her, but from what I’ve heard, her family has been through a lot. She may need a faithful friend like you to stick with her and show her the love of Jesus.”
Camilla thought to herself for a few moments, then dropped the hose and turned off the water. “I’ll take care of this later,” she said. “I think I’ll go water my friendship seeds instead and see if Madison wants to go get some ice cream.” – Teresa M. Beverly
How about you?
Do you get discouraged when your efforts to reach out to others aren’t appreciated or accepted? Do you keep on being friendly? Remember that making friends is a lot like planting seeds—it takes time for friendship to grow. Ask Jesus to help you plant friendship seeds and trust Him to make them grow so you can show His love to others.
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