Daily Devotional for June 7, 2019
Free from Fear

“Will he bite?” Denise asked fearfully as the handler started to give her a yellow corn snake to hold. Denise and her mother were at a special event at the public library and had stopped by the reptile booth.
“No, she’s very friendly,” the woman replied. “Her name is Melissa.”
Tentatively, Denise stretched out her hands and took the small snake, but she had more questions for the reptile handler. “Why is her tongue going in and out? Is she poisonous? Are you sure she won’t bite me?”
The handler laughed good-naturedly. “I’m sure she won’t bite you. And she’s using her tongue to smell. She’s getting your scent and using a gland on the roof of her mouth to smell you.”
“Oh, wow! That’s cool!” Denise pulled the snake closer to examine her.
“And no, she isn’t poisonous,” the handler continued. “You can tell by the shape of a snake’s head whether it’s venomous or not. A harmless snake like this makes a good pet. The corn snake got its name because it’s useful to farmers since it eats the mice that would eat their corn.”
Denice took one more look at the pretty little snake before handing it back to its owner.
Later, as they left the event and headed for the car, Denise said to her mom, “I was pretty scared of that snake before the woman told me all about it. Once I knew it was harmless, though, I wasn’t scared at all.”
Mom chuckled. “That reminds me of a verse.”
“Really?” asked Denise. “A verse about snakes?”
“Well, not exactly,” said Mom. “The verse I’m thinking of says, ‘You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’ Knowing the truth about that little corn snake set you free from being afraid of it.”
“Oh, that’s true!” agreed Denise.
“That’s why it is so important to study God’s Word and know His truth,” Mom said. “There are many things in this world that can cause us to be fearful, but the more we know about Jesus and His love and power, the more we can trust Him with our fears. We can be free from worry and fear when we know the truth about Jesus and trust Him in every situation.” •Karen McMillan
How about you?
Are there things you’re worried about or afraid of? God’s truth will set you free. The more you know about Jesus and what He’s done for you, the less you will be controlled by fear. He died to save you from sin and death and promises to always be with you. You can trust Him. Spend time getting to know Him by studying His Word. His truth will set you free!
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