Daily Devotional for February 26, 2019
For Your Own Good (Part 1)

“It’s not fair!” Lincoln said after his dad dropped him off at his mom’s house. “Dad refused to take me snowmobiling this weekend even though he told me last week he would!”
“Yes, but didn’t he warn you that if we got another note from your teacher saying you weren’t turning in your homework assignments, you wouldn’t be able to go?” Mom asked.
Lincoln’s shoulders slumped. “He told you about that?”
“Yes, he did. So when Miss Evert emailed me on Friday and said you still weren’t doing your homework, I let your dad know. You ignored his warning, and that’s why you didn’t get to go snowmobiling.”
Mom put a bowl of soup in the microwave. “Speaking of warnings, I have one for you too. The ice on the creek is starting to thaw, so I don’t want you walking out on it anymore. Soon it won’t support your weight, and you’ll fall through.”
In spite of the warning, Lincoln decided to check out the ice on the small creek behind his house. He ventured out onto it and heard a loud CRACK! He quickly tried to get back onto solid ground, but his feet slipped on the ice, and he came down hard onto a large root sticking up near the bank. The next thing he knew, he was in the hospital with a broken leg.
“Lincoln, why didn’t you pay attention when I told you to stay off the ice?” Mom asked the next day.
“I guess I thought it wasn’t that bad and I’d be okay,” Lincoln replied.
Mom sighed. “You’ve disobeyed several warnings recently. You don’t seem to realize they’re for your own good. Your dad and I give you warnings like these because we love you and want what’s best for you.” Mom pulled her chair closer to Lincoln’s hospital bed. “God gives us warnings in the Bible for the same reason. He warns us against sin and thinking we don’t need Jesus because He loves us. He wants to save us from sin and protect us from the harmful effects it has in our lives.”
“I know, Mom,” Lincoln said. “I’m sorry I sinned and didn’t listen to you.”
“I forgive you,” Mom said. “And Jesus will forgive you too.” – Jan L. Hansen
How about you?
Do you realize that, along with promises and comfort, God gives warnings? In His Word, the Bible, He tells of our need for Jesus and warns us about thinking we can save ourselves. He also warns His children about disobedience, lying, cheating, hating, stealing, and many other sins. Pay attention to God’s warnings. He gives them for your good because He loves you.
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