Daily Devotional for July 17, 2023
Folding Up the Tent

“This camping trip was fun,” said Jack as he helped Dad pull out the stakes that held their sturdy tent in place. “But I miss Grandpa. He would have loved this.”
Dad stretched out an arm and drew Jack close. “I miss him too,” Dad said gently. “But he’s with Jesus now.”
Jack nodded. “I know. I just wish he didn’t have to die.”
Dad was silent as they folded up the tent. Jack patted it affectionately. “Jack,” said Dad, “I know it’s a little sad to be packing up our tent and leaving, but aren’t you looking forward to being home again?”
“Sure,” said Jack. “I miss Mom.” He grinned impishly. “Believe it or not, I even miss Topher!”
Dad laughed. “Yeah, you miss teasing him!” He began rolling up the folded tent. “Jack, this camping trip may help us understand something about dying.” Jack raised his eyebrows and waited for Dad to explain. “We had a fun weekend living in a tent and cooking outdoors, didn’t we?” asked Dad.
Jack nodded. His eyes sparkled as he remembered their campfires and games and visits with the neighboring campers.
“The tent was a temporary home for us,” continued Dad. “But now it’s time to pack it up and go back to our real home. I know Mom and Topher are waiting to welcome us.” He paused. “In a way, when Grandpa died, he packed up his tent too.”
“Not that big green tent he always used?” Jack said.
“No, I mean his body,” said Dad. “For seventy-five years, this world was a temporary home for him. But then his body got sick and died, and he went to be with Jesus. The Bible tells us our real home is with Jesus—being with Him is better than being anywhere else! And one day, Jesus will make us a new permanent home on earth, and He’ll give Grandpa and every other Christian a body that will never get sick or die. Until then, Grandpa will be with Jesus in heaven.”
Jack nodded. “I know he’s glad to be with Jesus, even though he liked it here too.” He smiled at his dad. “Just like we enjoyed camping but are glad to be going home.”
-Tanya Ferdinandusz
How about you?
Has someone you love died? Do you ever worry about your own death? Losing our loved ones is sad, but if you trust Jesus as your Savior, you don’t need to be afraid of dying. Your body is like a tent, and once it has served its purpose here on earth, it will be packed up and put away. Then you’ll go home to be with Jesus, who will one day give you a new, perfect body that will last forever!
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