Daily Devotional for October 28, 2017
Foggy Vision

Nicholas peered ahead through the fog that surrounded them. “Hey, Dad!” he said as he and his father approached the large city they were visiting. “Look!” He pointed toward the distant city skyline that was almost completely hidden by the fog. “You can hardly see those huge buildings today.”
Dad smiled. “Keep watching them,” he said. “As we get closer, the fog will seem to disappear and the buildings will become clearer.”
Nicholas stared at the hazy outline of the city as they drove in silence for a few minutes. As expected, the closer they got to the buildings, the clearer everything began to look. Nicholas grinned at his dad. “Those buildings aren’t so dim anymore,” he said.
Dad smiled. “Do you remember the verse in First Corinthians that says, ‘For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known’?”
“Yep. I remember that one,” said Nicholas. “I had it for a memory verse once. It’s talking about heaven, isn’t it? That’s when we’ll see Jesus face to face.”
Dad nodded. “From a distance, we had trouble seeing the buildings through the fog. We saw them only dimly. It’s a picture of how we see Jesus now. Sometimes we have a hard time understanding Him and His great love and wisdom.” Dad motioned toward the city. “Now that we’re closer to the buildings, we see them more clearly.”
“So we won’t ever be able to see Jesus clearly until we get to heaven?” asked Nicholas.
“Well, we can see and understand Him more and more clearly by focusing our attention on Him—just like you can see the building through the fog better by focusing your eyes on it.”
“How do we do that?” asked Nicholas.
“By reading the Bible and learning more about Him, praying, going to church, and caring for other Christians,” replied Dad. “All these things help us understand Him better. And then one day, when we get to heaven, we’ll finally see Him face to face and know Him perfectly!”
Nicholas looked out the window as they drove into the city. “Look, Dad!” He pointed to the looming skyline. “We’re almost there!” – Richard S. Maffeo
How about you?
Do you know Jesus but find it hard to understand everything about Him? You can get to know Him better by praying, reading the Bible, and worshiping Him with other Christians, but you won’t ever understand Him fully until you get to heaven. Then you’ll see Him face to face! Until then, know that He’s always with you, and remember that one day you’ll be with Him for all eternity.
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