Daily Devotional for January 10, 2024
Fish for Dinner

Karina and her friend Dan rushed into the kitchen after practice. “Perfect timing!” said Karina’s mom, taking a pan out of the oven.
“Mmmm!” exclaimed Karina. “That fish smells yummy—Dan? Where did you go?”
“I’m outside!” Dan yelled from the porch.
Karina walked outside and saw Dan putting on his bike helmet. “Wait!” she said. “I thought you were staying for dinner!”
“I was,” said Dan. “Until I smelled it.” He got on his bike. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Where’s Dan?” asked Mom when Karina returned.
Karina shrugged. “Your fish smells delicious, but Dan thinks it stinks. I don’t understand—the smell is making me hungrier by the minute!”
“Well, I just cook it,” said Mom. “I can’t make him like it.”
Karina thought for a moment. “You know, Mom, Dan acts the same way when I talk about Jesus. If I just say the word ‘church,’ he wrinkles his nose. But he’s never even tried to go.”
Mom stirred the carrots on the stove. “You know, Karina, as a baby, you hated carrots.”
“But I like carrots now,” said Karina. “What happened?”
“Well, one day I put a carrot on your plate.”
“And I ate it?”
“No. But you didn’t throw a fit. The next day, I gave you another, and you took a bite. Each day, I gave you more, and eventually you loved them!”
“Nice story, Mom, but what do carrots have to do with Dan?”
Mom dished the fish and carrots onto plates. “I never changed the flavor of the carrots, Karina. I wasn’t sure if you’d ever eat one, but if I had stopped offering, you definitely never would have tried it. I had to be patient.”
“Are you saying I should invite Dan to eat fish tomorrow?”
Mom laughed. “Not exactly, but I do think you should keep offering Jesus. Be patient. Perhaps one day Dan will understand how much Jesus loves him, and he’ll come to love Jesus too.”
“I can do that.” Karina paused. “Hey, Mom—Dan’s favorite food is spaghetti.”
Mom nodded. “That’s good to know. Next week, we’ll have spaghetti after practice.”
Karina smiled. “And carrots!”
– Kelly Carlson
How about you?
How does Jesus smell to you? We can’t make others love God, but we can love them like God loves us. If your thoughts about Jesus are as wonderful as the yummy smell of your favorite food, share those good feelings. Invite others to learn more about Jesus. Tell them what He’s done in your life. Be patient. Pray. Do what you can, and leave the rest to God.
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