Daily Devotional for February 11, 2017
First Things First

Mr. Wagner walked to the whiteboard in his Sunday school classroom. “Tell me, boys—what should be the really important things in your lives?” The boys began to call out answers—church, Jesus, family, friends, Bible study, prayer—and Mr. Wagner wrote the words on the board.
“All right,” he said. “That’s a great list.” He moved to another part of the board. “Now, let’s make a different list. What are your hobbies? What activities do you especially enjoy?”
Answers came quickly, amid much laughter and excitement—TV, video games, movies, music, sports. Mr. Wagner even added a few suggestions of his own. Then he stepped back and looked at the two lists. “Tell me now,” he said, “which list takes up most of your time?”
It was pretty quiet for a few seconds. Several of the boys looked a bit embarrassed; some slid down in their chairs. Jordan finally said what most of them were thinking. “I guess we’re not spending much time on the things that are most important.”
Mr. Wagner nodded. “If we’re honest, we have to admit that the things on this first list often don’t get first place in our lives,” he said. “Does that mean we should get rid of the things on the second list? Or is there a way we can combine the two?” No one said anything, so Mr. Wagner continued. “Let’s think about sports,” he said. “Would it be fair to say we’re combining the lists if, whenever we play baseball, for example, we act the way Jesus would want us to act?” The boys nodded. “Well, how would that look?” asked Mr. Wagner. “What would Jesus want us to do during a baseball game?”
“Control our tempers when the umpire calls us out,” said Caden.
“Be good sports when we lose—and not brag when we win!” said William.
“We can watch for chances to tell other kids about Jesus too,” added Jordan, “and invite them to church—stuff like that!”
Mr. Wagner nodded. “Look at the two lists and decide what you need to change in order to make them work together so that you’re really putting the important things—and the most important person—first.” – Pauline Youd
How about you?
Do you really put God first in your life? Maybe you worry that putting Him first means giving up everything else that interests you. God doesn’t ask you to stop living your life, but to direct your thoughts and actions toward Him as you go about your day. See how many of the things you do—and the way you do them—show that God is most important in your life.
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