Daily Devotional for March 2, 2021
Finding the Way

Bryson jumped up when he heard his father call his name. “Sounds like my dad’s ready to go, Asher,” he said. The boys had been playing in Asher’s room while their dads talked out in the yard.
Asher went outside with Bryson. The night was black; no moon, no stars. “Don’t you want a flashlight?” asked Asher. “You can borrow mine.”
“Nah,” said Bryson. “It’s not very far to our house, and my dad has a light on his phone if we need it.”
“Okay,” Asher said as they walked over to where their dads were standing. “See you at school tomorrow.”
The light from passing houses lit the way as Bryson and his dad walked home. But when they came to the shortcut through the woods, it was much darker. Bryson’s dad took out his cell phone. “Hmm,” he said. “Looks like my battery’s dead.”
“That’s okay,” said Bryson. “We’ve walked this path hundreds of times. We don’t need a light.” But as they wound their way through the trees, suddenly…THUNK! “Owww!” Bryson rubbed his forehead. “I never even saw that branch!” As he spoke, he heard another sound…Zzzzkt! ZZZKttt!
What’s that? Bryson wondered. He wasn’t usually afraid in the dark, but these sounds seemed different…threatening even. I’m glad Dad’s with me! Bryson thought as his eyes strained to see what was ahead.
“Dark, isn’t it?” said Dad. “We should have brought a flashlight.”
“Yeah,” agreed Bryson. “Asher offered me one, but I said we wouldn’t need it.”
Dad laughed. “Oh well. I’m sure we’ll find our way without it. And maybe all this darkness around us tonight will renew our appreciation for the fact that we have the light of the world with us.”
“The light of the world?” asked Bryson. “So…turn it on already!”
“Oh, it’s on all right,” said Dad. “The Bible says Jesus is the light of the world, remember? People are lost in the darkness of sin, but Jesus gives His light to all who trust in Him.”
“And like me, people need light,” said Bryson. “Even when they think they don’t!”
“Yes,” said Dad. “I’m glad we both have the light of Jesus in our lives. He saves us from the darkness of sin and leads us safely home.” • Karen R. Locklear
How about you?
Do you know Jesus, the light of the world? Perhaps you don’t feel like you need Him, but making your way through life without Him is like walking in darkness. Jesus wants to light your way. Trust Him as your Savior. He will give you eternal life with Him and lead you the way you should go. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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