Daily Devotional for June 11, 2018
Finding Middle C

Allison slammed the keys on the piano. “This is impossible!” she grumbled in frustration.
“What’s wrong, Allison?” Mom asked as she came into the room.
“I just can’t play this song! It sounds okay in some places, but other places are way off. It’s impossible!”
“Let me see.” Mom sat next to Allison on the piano bench. “Show me how you play.”
Allison had only struck one note when her mom stopped her.
“I see your problem,” Mom said. “That’s not the right key.”
“But that note didn’t sound wrong,” Allison said. “It’s later in the song.”
“Maybe that’s when it sounds wrong, but it’s wrong here too. You need to align your fingers to middle C.” Mom moved her fingers to the correct position. “If you play from here, the song should play out.”
Allison raised an eyebrow but decided her mom’s advice was worth a try. She moved her hands over a couple of keys and started to play, and the song came out perfectly. She looked at her mom in surprise. “That’s it!”
Mom smiled. “Yes, Allison, that’s it. As long as you know where middle C is and align your hands to it, every song should come out right.”
Allison sighed. “That sounds like what the pastor talked about in church yesterday.”
“Yes, it does,” said Mom. “It’s the same way with Jesus. We need to align ourselves to Him by trusting Him to save us from sin.”
“But my life is fine! I don’t need Jesus to save me when I’m not out of key,” Allison said.
“That first note didn’t sound like it was out of key either, did it?” Mom pointed out.
Allison looked down at the keys.
“Allison,” Mom said, “your life is like this song, and Jesus is middle C. You can try to live your life any way you want to, but if it’s not aligned to Jesus, it will always be off.”
Allison looked at Mom with tears in her eyes. “I don’t want to be a broken song.”
“Let me show you how Jesus can make your life a beautiful song, Allison,” Mom said. “A song that is full of amazing grace.” – Caitlyn Pray
How about you?
Are you trying to live your life like a beautiful symphony, only to find that it’s more of a screeching mess? No matter how you try to live your life, if you don’t know Jesus, it will always be off key. Only He can make your life a beautiful song. Align your life to Him by trusting Him as your Savior. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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