Daily Devotional for June 21, 2019
Finally Floating

Down under the water Graham went! He came up sputtering. “What did I do wrong?” he asked Aunt Sue. He and his sister were spending a week with their aunt at her lakeside cottage, and she was teaching them to float. Graham looked over at Kinley. “She’s just lying on the water!” he exclaimed. “Why can’t I do that?”
“You tried to make yourself float, so you sank,” said Aunt Sue. “Just relax and let the water hold you up.”
“Okay,” said Graham. He took a deep breath and tried again, but BLUB . . . GASP . . . GURGLE. He sank a second time.
“Do like Aunt Sue said,” Kinley encouraged her brother. “Just relax.”
Several minutes later, Graham finally floated. “I’m not doing anything!” he exclaimed. “This is fun!”
That evening, Graham thought about his experience in the water. “As long as I tried to do something to make myself float, it didn’t work,” he said. “I had to quit trying to help myself stay up and just lie back in the water. Then I could float!”
“Yeah,” said Kinley. “We just had to trust the water to hold us up.”
“It’s kind of like what the pastor told us in church yesterday,” Graham said. “He said we can’t do anything to help ourselves be saved—we’re only saved by having faith in Jesus.”
“That’s what the Bible says too,” said Aunt Sue.
“I guess I always thought going to church and obeying my parents and teachers helped,” said Graham. “But that’s not right, is it? That doesn’t help me be saved.”
“No, it doesn’t,” said Aunt Sue. “You had to quit trying to float, and you have to quit trying to save yourself by doing good things. You simply need to trust Jesus and you will receive His gift of eternal life.”
“‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.’ That was my verse to learn.” Graham smiled. “I’m done trying to save myself. From now on, I’m trusting Jesus!” •Harry C. Trover
How about you?
Are you trying to do something to save yourself? Do you think you can make it to heaven on your own? It won’t work. Only Jesus can save you. He took the punishment for your sin when He died on the cross, and only He can forgive your sins and give you eternal life. Trust Him as your Savior today!
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