Daily Devotional for June 8, 2019
Filled Up with Love

Jackson aimed the hose and squirted water into the center of an orange inflatable pool—his sister’s favorite birthday gift. The first thing Addy wanted this morning was to get in her “swimmy pool.” Jackson’s job was to fill it while she finished breakfast.
Soon she burst through the back door, and Mom followed carrying towels and swim toys. Addy ran to him, clapping her three-year-old hands with excitement. “I’m going swimmin’ to-day, to-day!” She jumped up and down, making the ruffle on her swimsuit flap.
“Almost finished?” Mom set the towels and toys on the nearby picnic table.
“It takes a lot of water to fill this little pool. More than I thought.” Jackson directed the water stream in impatient patterns. His friends were waiting to play soccer in the park like they did every Saturday. What if he missed playing today because he was stuck filling Addy’s new pool?
Mom leaned over with Addy to dip her fingers in the cool water. “How much does it take to fill you up?” she asked, flicking some water droplets in his direction.
“Fill me up?” The hose drooped in Jackson’s hand. “With what—water?”
“Not water,” Mom said. “Love!”
Addy threw some pool toys into the pool and giggled when water splashed on her legs. “Filled wif wuv!” she said.
“I don’t get it, Mom,” Jackson said. “I only want to go play soccer.”
“I know, yet you’re taking time to help your sister first. That’s because Jesus fills us with love, just like you’re filling this pool.” Mom picked up a yellow plastic watering can, dipped it in the pool, and poured out some water. “The Bible says the love of God has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.”
Jackson twisted the nozzle on the hose and turned off the water. The pool was finally full. Mom held Addy’s hand as she stepped into the cold water. “You’ve shown God’s love for your sister by filling her pool even though you’d rather be playing at the park.”
“So God fills me up with His love,” Jackson said as he wound the hose into a pile, “and we share it with others?”
“You got it!” said Mom. “Now go play soccer and have a great time.” •Susan Holt Simpson
How about you?
Have you ever felt impatient like Jackson? Sometimes it’s hard to be loving—especially when you’re in a hurry. But if you know Jesus, God promises to fill your heart with His love so you can share it with others. So the next time you struggle to be loving, trust God to pour His love into your heart and fill it all the way to the top.
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