Daily Devotional for June 8, 2017
Feelings and Decisions

Jessamyn popped a juicy red strawberry into her mouth before putting another handful into her bucket. “Why does our family have to go be missionaries in another country, Grandpa?” she asked with a sigh. “I like living where we are now. I wish Dad had kept his job here.”
“I know it’s hard for you to leave your friends,” said Grandpa, “but the Lord will help you adjust. He’ll honor and reward you for any sacrifices you make. You can be sure of that.”
Jessamyn brushed away a tear. “I suppose I should be happy to go, but I’m not,” she said, “so I doubt I’ll get any reward for sacrifices. I guess I’m a lost cause, Grandpa, but I just can’t help how I feel inside!”
“Jessamyn, earlier I heard you say you hoped to go swimming at Green Lake this morning. Did you just feel like helping me pick berries instead?”
“Well…” Jessamyn shook her head. “Not really.”
“Nobody said you had to help me,” said Grandpa, “so I guess you were willing to pick berries even if you didn’t feel like it, right?” Jessamyn nodded. “So you see,” continued Grandpa, “your will and your feelings aren’t always the same. You may not be able to control your feelings, but you can control your will. So are you telling Jesus you don’t feel like going to the mission field with your parents or that you won’t?”
Jessamyn thought for a moment. “I don’t think I really have a choice,” she said. “Mom and Dad will make me go. But I see what you’re saying, Grandpa. Maybe I can’t change my feelings, but I can change my willingness.”
“Yes,” said Grandpa, “but I find that when I follow God’s will for my life, it eventually becomes my own, and I wouldn’t have wanted anything else. If you change your willingness, I think you’ll find your feelings will soon change too.”
“Just like I’m glad I came berry picking with you, even though I didn’t feel like it before!”
“Exactly,” said Grandpa. “Pray about it, and ask Jesus to help you do His will and change your feelings.” He stood up. “Well, right now I feel like having some strawberry shortcake—and since we’re done picking this row, I think I will!” He and Jessamyn both laughed and headed for the house. – Joyce R. Lee
How about you?
Do you ever feel like you don’t want to obey your parents or teachers? Or be nice to someone at school? You may not always feel like doing what Jesus wants you to do, but you can still be willing and decide to do it. Ask Jesus to show you His will in every situation, and when you make up your mind to do it, He’ll help change your feelings.
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