Daily Devotional for December 29, 2020
Feeling Special

Thomas’s heart was heavy as he trudged down the road. Maybe I should run away, he thought. I bet nobody would even notice I was gone.
Lately Thomas had felt left out in his family. When his older brother got a home run in a ball game or a good grade on a report card, Mom and Dad made a big fuss over him. But when Thomas did something special, it seemed like his parents would just smile and say something like, “I remember when your brother did that two years ago.”
Thomas’s younger sister got even more attention. Everyone in the family, including Grandma and Grandpa, always said how cute she looked, and they laughed at the funny things she said.
Thomas sighed. But nobody ever thinks there’s anything special about me. I’m just…there.
His thoughts were interrupted by someone crying. Glancing ahead, he saw a small boy with a bike. “What’s the matter?” asked Thomas.
“I’m st-stuck,” the little boy answered through his tears.
Thomas saw that the boy’s pant leg was caught in his bicycle chain. “I got stuck like that once too,” Thomas said, kneeling to get a better look. “I think I can help you.” He carefully worked with the material and chain. “Got it!” he exclaimed.
“Oh, thank you!” the boy said, sounding very much relieved. He looked up at Thomas with admiration. “You’re great!”
Thomas felt better as he walked on. The boy’s words reminded him of something his teacher at church had said. “God thinks you’re great!” she had told the class. “There’s nothing you can do to earn His love—He already loves you for who you are. Jesus died on the cross and rose again so you could be part of His family. Even though He helps us do good things for Him, that’s not why He loves us—He loves us because we’re His children. You are very special to Him.”
God loves me because I’m His child, Thomas thought. He remembered something his mom had said when he’d gotten upset over a bad grade. And that’s why Mom and Dad love me too—because I’m their son, not because of what I do.
Smiling, he turned around and started walking home, back to his loving family. • Carolyn E. Yost
How about you?
Have you felt left out in your family? Does it ever seem like the accomplishments of other family members overshadow your own? You are important to other people—and especially to God. In fact, you’re so important to Him that He sent His Son to die for you so you could become part of His family. He delights in each of His children—not because of what you do, but because of who you are. You are very special to Him.
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