Daily Devotional for June 8, 2021
Feeling Itchy-Scratchy

“I need that red marker!” said Olive, snatching it from her brother, Garrett. “I had it first!” She dropped it on the table and bent to scratch a big mosquito bite on her leg. “Oh, won’t this ever go away?” she moaned. Olive straightened up and reached for the marker. But Garrett had grabbed it back. “Give it here!” ordered Olive, her voice rising. “Making a card for Mom was my idea. You’re always copying me!”
“Well, I draw better than you,” said Garrett, “and I want the red.”
“Give me that marker right now!” Olive was almost shouting as she reached down to scratch the bite again.
Just then Kali, their older sister, came into the room carrying a laundry basket full of clothes. “Quiet down, you two!” she said. “With all that noise, how is Mom going to rest and get her strength back after her surgery?” Kali sat down with a sigh. “What’s the problem this time?”
“Garrett took my marker,” said Olive. “And…ugh! I just feel so itchy-scratchy from this mosquito bite!” She again scratched and scratched and scratched the bite.
Kali nodded sympathetically. “I know, but scratching an insect bite just makes it worse, Olive. You need to soothe the itch away. I think Mom has some lotion that will help. In the meantime…” Kali got up, took a cloth, ran cold water over it, and handed it to Olive. “Here. Try this.” Olive smiled in relief as she held the cold, wet cloth against the bite. “It’s soothing, isn’t it?” Kali said. “I’ll go get that lotion…and by the way, try to remember that God’s love is soothing too. If your heart is filled with His love, you won’t be so itchy-scratchy with other people.”
“Yeah, Olive!” said Garrett as Kali turned to leave. Olive glared at him.
“If someone makes you feel like scratching at him, remember that will only make things worse,” said Kali. “Instead, show him the love of Jesus, who is always patient and kind with us.”
“Okay,” Olive agreed reluctantly, “but hurry back with the lotion.” She gave Garrett a small smile as Kali left.
To Olive’s surprise, Garrett grinned back. “We can share the red marker,” he said. “You can use it first.” Together, they finished their cards.
-Mary G. Houlgate
How about you?
Do you often feel itchy-scratchy toward others? Do you get irritated when your little brother annoys you or your big sister won’t let you have your way? Scratching at them won’t help—you need the soothing love of Jesus. Trust Him to help you show love to that person, even when they get on your nerves. His love can soothe away the itchy-scratchy feelings you have toward others.
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