Daily Devotional for August 5, 2024
Fast Food

“Okay, kids. Let’s go,” called Dad after Kiara’s swim meet had ended. “We only have a half hour before Keagan’s soccer game.”
“Looks like we’ll have to grab fast food again,” Mom said as she closed her car door. She sighed. “It’s not a very healthy choice.”
“We learned about food groups in school,” said Kiara. “Our bodies need something from every group so we get the right balance of vitamins and nutrients and have the energy we need to grow and be healthy.”
“Well, I’m fine with the food groups of burgers and fries,” said Keagan. “And ice cream too!”
Mom laughed. “I know you like those things, but we need to either figure out a way to eat healthier despite our busy schedule or make the schedule less busy.”
“We just may have to do that,” said Dad. “You know, a schedule that’s too busy can also interfere with our spiritual diet. We often get a healthy dose of time with God on Sundays but settle for spiritual fast food the rest of the week—like a quick prayer before meals and only a nibble of a verse here and there.”
“Those small prayers and short verses are still good, but often we need more,” Mom explained. “Jesus died and rose again so that we could have a relationship with Him—when life is easy and when life is busy. He wants to spend time with you because He loves you.”
Keagan furrowed his eyebrows. “But how can I do that during my soccer game?”
“I know!” Kiara exclaimed, bouncing in the seat of the car. “The Holy Spirit!”
“Exactly!” Dad said. “God gave all who believe in Jesus His Spirit to be with us all the time—even on the soccer field or in the swimming pool. The Holy Spirit reminds us of God’s truth in the Bible and nourishes our faith—even when we’re busy.”
“But we still need time to rest and reflect too,” said Mom. “That’s why going to church, praying, and reading the Bible are important.”
“Sounds like a healthy choice!” said Kiara.
“Yeah,” said Keagan as Dad parked at a fast food place. “But I’m glad we’re having dinner here!”
Mom smiled. “This will do for tonight, but it might be time to make some changes so we can have healthier bodies and healthier souls!”
-Lore Wolif
How about you?
What kind of spiritual food do you get? Do you only get a good meal once a week at church? Is prayer just something you squeeze into your day? Just like you need healthy food for your body, your spiritual diet is also important. So don’t neglect spending time with Jesus, reading and listening to His Word at church and on your own. And when life gets busy, remember that His Spirit is always with you, reminding you of His truth and love.
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