Daily Devotional for October 31, 2019
Facing Fear

“Kayla finished tying a bright orange bow on the last bag stuffed with candy corn. Mom added it to the bowl piled with treats. “Thanks for your help, Kayla. The kids who come to trunk or treat at church tonight are going to love this! What a great way to show kids in our community that Jesus loves them and that we care about them too, don’t you think?”
“Mmm, yeah,” Kayla muttered, not meeting her mother’s eyes.
“Sweetie, is something wrong? You’ve been really quiet today.”
Kayla’s eyes filled with tears. “I just don’t want to go to trunk or treat tonight! I know it’s important to reach out to our community and show kids God’s love, but some of the costumes the kids wear are so scary!” Kayla shuddered, remembering how she felt last year after seeing a boy with a terrifying mask.
“Oh, Kayla, I’m so sorry!” Mom exclaimed. “I remember the tough time you had last year—I didn’t know it was still bothering you.”
“What do I do, Mom? I really want to help pass out the treats to the other kids and wear my new fairy costume, but my stomach hurts every time I think about all the scary costumes!”
“Well, whenever I’m afraid, I remember a verse from Isaiah where God says, ‘Do not fear, for I am with you…I will strengthen you and help you.’”
“Does that work?” Kayla looked at Mom with uncertainty.
Mom laughed. “It does! Now, I’m not saying my fear leaves completely, but Jesus does remind me that He’s with me…and He’s with you too!” Mom gave Kayla a squeeze. “Some of the costumes the kids wear are scary because they remind us of death, but remember that Jesus conquered sin and death on the cross. Because you trust in Him, you have nothing to be afraid of.”
Kayla took a deep breath. “Okay, Mom. I’m going to go put my fairy costume on. I may be a little scared tonight, but I know Jesus is with me!”
“I’m proud of you, Kayla!” Mom smiled. “Now, how about we test some of this candy corn and make sure it’s delicious enough for these kids?”
Kayla giggled. “Now that doesn’t sound scary at all!” Savannah Coleman
How about you?
What are you afraid of? Everyone has fears, but if you trust in Jesus, He has saved you and is always with you. He will give you the strength and help you need in those moments of fear. He is greater than anything that scares you. When you feel afraid, put your trust in Him.
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