Daily Devotional for August 31, 2017

Extraordinary Tea

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Extraordinary Tea

Today's Verse

John 15:8-11 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

Aunt Jan was brewing herbal tea when Kiera stopped by for a visit one Sunday afternoon. Kiera happily sat down in the homey kitchen and sniffed the air. “Orange blossom tea—my favorite,” said Aunt Jan with a smile. She pointed to a cake on the counter. “Help yourself.”

Kiera got a plate from the cupboard and cut a slice of cake. Aunt Jan raised her brows. “Why so quiet today?” she asked. “You usually talk my ears off!”

Kiera laughed. “I was just thinking,” she said.

“Well then, why not let me think with you?” said Aunt Jan. “What are we thinking about?”

“The lesson we had in Sunday school today was about growing in the Lord,” Kiera said. “Our teacher said we need to grow as Christians in order to become like Jesus, but I’m confused. Didn’t He change us when we put our faith in Him? I guess I don’t quite get it.”

“You’re right, Kiera,” said Aunt Jan, “Jesus did change us when we put our trust in Him—we changed from being dead to sin to alive in Christ. But it takes time to grow in our relationship with Him and become more like Him.” She took a sip of tea, then looked down at her cup. “It’s a lot like tea,” she said.

“Tea?” Kiera echoed.

“Yes,” said Aunt Jan. “The moment a tea bag is put into hot water, it’s no longer water—it’s tea. That’s like what happens to us the moment Jesus comes into our lives. But even though Jesus saves us from sin in an instant, it takes longer for us to learn to become more like Him and live the way He wants us to—just like tea grows stronger the longer the tea bag is in it. The more we learn about Jesus and depend on Him, the stronger we grow in our relationship with Him and become more like Him.”

Kiera grinned. “Thanks, Aunt Jan. I think I get it now!” – Cindy Van Schalkwyk

How about you?

Are you growing in your relationship with Jesus? Do you spend time praying to Him and reading His Word? Do you go to church to learn more about Him and spend time with other Christians who can encourage and support you in your faith? As you grow in your relationship with Jesus, you’ll become more like Him, learning to live the way He wants you to and show others His love.

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