Daily Devotional for April 20, 2017
Extra Amazing

“I think I see the scenic lookout we found on the map, Mom!” shouted Andres. He sighed in relief. The family had been hiking the steep Treetop Trail for two hours, and Andres was glad to finally collapse on a large, flat rock. As he rested, he gazed at the view below.
Andres’s sister, Camilla, plopped down beside him. “Wow!” she said. “This is awesome!” Camilla pointed to a house in the distance. “Look over there, Dad. I bet we can see for about a thousand miles!”
Dad walked over. “I’d say that house is more like twenty miles away—not a thousand,” he said with a smile.
“Well, it’s still awesome!” said Camilla.
“I agree. It is awesome,” said Mom. She sat down beside Camilla and Andres. “You kids use that word a lot. Do you know what it means?”
Camilla shrugged. “Not really.”
“I guess it’s used to describe something that’s extra amazing,” said Andres.
“That’s a pretty good definition,” said Mom. “I looked it up in the dictionary once, and the original meaning has to do with a feeling of reverence for something majestic or sacred. One definition for awesome is ‘a reverent wonder.’ I like that one.”
“I do too,” said Dad, “and I think awesome is a great word to use to describe Jesus. Psalm 33 says to ‘stand in awe of Him.’ That means we should love and respect Him and recognize that He is in control of the entire world—and our lives.” Dad paused and looked around. “Being on this mountain makes a person feel pretty small, doesn’t it?”
“You can say that again!” said Andres.
“Okay,” said Dad. “Being on this mountain makes a person—”
“Daaad!” Andres rolled his eyes, and they all laughed.
“Things in nature are awesome,” Dad said. “God made them, and they give us just a glimpse of His greatness. But what’s really awesome is He loves us so much Jesus was willing to make Himself one of us and come to earth to die on a cross to save us. Now that’s extra amazing!”
The family sipped from their water bottles as they enjoyed the view. “Yes,” Mom said quietly, “Jesus is truly awesome!” – Dean Fowler
How about you?
Do you use the word awesome a lot? It’s a word that’s probably overused, but if you want to see something truly awesome, look around you at the world made by Jesus, who loves you and gave His life for you. His great power and glory are displayed in everything He’s made—and in His great love and sacrifice for you. Consider all His wonderful work, and stand in awe of Him!
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