Daily Devotional for September 22, 2020
Even with Curly Hair

Clara’s mom knocked on her door. “Are you ready, Clara? Breakfast is almost ready. You don’t want to be late for school.”
“Coming.” Clara sighed and finished combing through her thick curls before going downstairs.
“It’s not fair, Mom,” Clara said when she reached the kitchen. “None of the other girls in my class have super curly hair like mine. And I’m taller than a lot of the boys.”
“Do the other kids make fun of you for how you look?” Mom asked.
“No,” said Clara. “But I look weird!”
“Clara, you do not look weird,” said Mom. “I think God made you just right. You’re beautiful.”
Clara sat down at the breakfast table without saying a word. Mom finished flipping pancakes onto a plate and joined Clara at the table. The two said a prayer together and started to eat their breakfast.
“These pancakes are really good,” Clara said.
“Thanks,” said Mom. “I thought so too. But they don’t seem to think so.”
“What do you mean?” Clara asked.
“When I was making them, they kept telling me to add more flour, or add more sugar, or whatever. If I had listened, then I would’ve had a completely different recipe.”
Clara stared at her mother. “Mom, that’s ridiculous!”
Mom laughed. “Well, maybe. But don’t you think that God knows why He made you exactly the way He did?”
“I guess I never thought about that,” Clara said.
“Have you ever heard of Amy Carmichael?” asked Mom.
“Yeah. Wasn’t she a missionary in India over a hundred years ago?”
“Yep, but she wasn’t happy with the way God made her either,” said Mom. “She was born with brown eyes, but she wanted blue eyes. But when God called her to be a missionary in India, she realized she wouldn’t have been able to fit in as well with the people there if she’d had blue eyes. God used her brown eyes to help her blend in so she could help others and tell them about Jesus.”
“Wow. So God can use me too, even with my curly hair?” Clara asked.
“Of course He can,” said Mom. “He made and loves you just the way you are.” • Megan Horton
How about you?
Are there things you wish you could change about yourself? Do you wish your eyes or hair were a different color, or that you were taller or shorter than you are? God made you just how He wants you to be, and He loves you the way you are. Instead of wishing you were different, thank Him for making you the way He knew was best. You are special to Him.
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