Daily Devotional for February 5, 2021
Emma’s Hats

Emma searched everywhere, even under Bella purring on the floor. “Mom, where’s my blue Barry beret?” she called, hunting through hats she’d left piled on her bedroom chair. Emma named all her hats.
“I don’t know, but the school bus is coming.”
Emma grabbed her baseball cap, Bob. She popped it on her head and dashed out the door. “Whew, I made it,” she said as she got on the bus.
After school, Emma rushed into the house. “Mom, did you find Barry?”
“No. But if you clean your room, you might find it.” Mom grinned.
Emma went to her room and dropped her bookbag and hat on the bed. “It’s got to be here somewhere.” She gathered and hung hats on her closet hooks. “Hey, besides Barry, Noah Newsboy and Sandy Sun Hat are missing.”
Emma continued cleaning. Under the bed she found one polka dot sock, Bella’s catnip mouse, and one of Mom’s gloves. “I thought Mom lost this,” Emma said. “Bella, here’s your mouse.” Bella sniffed it and closed her eyes.
At dinner, Emma told her parents she found Mom’s glove. “But now I have three lost hats. I’m not quitting until I find them. They have to be somewhere.”
“This reminds me of the story Jesus told in the Bible about the woman who lost one of her ten silver coins,” Mom said. “She swept and searched until she found it.”
“Or the shepherd who had one hundred sheep. One got lost, so he left the ninety-nine and looked until he found it,” Dad added. “That’s how Jesus searches for us. He wants to find those who are lost in sin.”
The next morning, Emma announced, “I’m going to look for my lost hats. I asked Jesus to help me.”
“Okay, but first would you get two laundry baskets for me?” Mom asked.
While she was in the basement, Emma looked around. “Mom,” she yelled from the bottom step. “Come see where I found my hats.”
Mom hurried downstairs to where Emma knelt in a corner. “Oh my, three kittens!” Mom said. “Now we know where Bella’s been all morning.”
“They’re so cute cuddled up on my hats,” Emma said.
“Emma, are you okay with Bella claiming your hats?”
Emma nodded. “I have other hats. Besides, now I have three kittens to name!” • Lynda Boucher
How about you?
Have you ever lost something special? Maybe your pet ran away, or you couldn’t find the watch from your grandparents. You probably searched, and when you found it, you rejoiced. That’s how it is with Jesus. His love for each person is so great that He seeks the lost who don’t know Him. When they’re found, there is rejoicing in heaven! Has He found you? If not, trust in Him today. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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