Daily Devotional for October 9, 2017
Dump the Junk

Ford and his mother sat on the floor with one of his dresser drawers beside them. “I want to keep that!” Ford said as Mom tossed a worn-out toy into a trash bag. Mom was helping him clean out his drawers, and she kept wanting to throw things away.
“Why keep all this junk?” Mom asked. “It doesn’t leave any room for all the good things you have.”
“It’s not junk!” said Ford. “These are good things too.”
“Good things?” Mom pointed to some chipped marbles and a small motorcycle with only one wheel. “These don’t look like good things to me. They look like they should be dumped in the trash!”
Ford picked up the motorcycle. “But this was my favorite motorcycle,” he said. “It would still be good if Reece hadn’t broken it! He always wanted to play with it, and he took it home one day even though I never said he could. When he brought it back, a wheel was gone!” Ford scowled. “It makes me mad when I think about it.”
“Ford, that happened a long time ago,” Mom said gently.
“I don’t care,” said Ford. “It still makes me really mad!”
Mom sighed. “I think you may need to put more than this junk in the trash.”
“What do you mean?” asked Ford.
“It sounds like you’re hanging on to some anger and resentment,” explained Mom. “The Bible says to put away all bitterness and wrath. That’s like dumping it in the trash, and I don’t think you’ve done that yet.”
Ford spun the single wheel of his motorcycle. “I don’t know how.”
“To get rid of it, you need to give it to Jesus,” said Mom. “He’s forgiven you for all the wrong things you’ve done, and He wants you to do the same for Reece. I know it’s not easy, but He’ll help you do it—just like I’m helping you clean out the junk from your drawers. Ask Him to help you let go of the bitterness and anger in your heart and replace it with love so you can forgive Reece.”
Ford was quiet for a few moments as he thought about what Mom had said. Then he slowly placed the broken motorcycle in the trash bag. – Pamela J. Kuhn
How about you?
Are you holding a grudge against someone? It hurts when others wrong us, and it can be hard to forgive them. But you don’t have to do it on your own. If you trust in Jesus, He’s forgiven you for all the wrong things you’ve done, and He will help you forgive others for the wrong they’ve done to you. Ask Him to help you dump the junk in your heart and replace it with His love.
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