Daily Devotional for January 31, 2019
Don’t Gulp It Down

Luke was obviously in a big hurry as he ate. He took huge bites, and he grabbed his milk to wash down large mouthfuls of food. He finished eating long before the rest of his family. “Can I be excused?” he asked. “Jameson invited me over to watch a movie. Can I go?”
“You can go,” Dad answered, “but not just yet.”
Luke relaxed a little when Mom passed around his favorite dessert—apple pie—but to her dismay, his piece disappeared in three large bites. “Can I go now?” he asked.
“You’ll have plenty of time to watch your movie after family devotions,” said Dad.
“I’m full!” declared Luke’s little sister, Kiera. “Everything was so yummy!”
Dad smiled and handed Luke his phone. “Why don’t you read for us tonight, Luke? Read Psalm 119, verses 9-16.”
“Okay.” Luke found the passage and read the verses as fast as he could. His words tumbled over each other, making them hard to understand.
When Luke finished reading, Dad looked at him thoughtfully. “Luke, did you enjoy your dinner tonight?”
Luke shrugged. “Yeah, sure.”
“How about you, Kiera?” Dad asked.
Kiera beamed. “It was deeelicious! The chicken was so crispy, the potatoes were so buttery, and I love corn! And apple pie!” She grinned and rubbed her tummy.
Dad laughed. “We get the idea. I think you enjoyed it more than Luke did. Why do you think that is?”
“I took my time eating, but Luke just shoveled it in and gulped it down!”
Dad nodded. “We need to take time and chew our food to really enjoy it—and it’s the same with the Word of God. To get as much as possible out of the Bible, we need to take time when we read it. We need to meditate on it—to think about what God is saying and how we should respond. Luke, read that passage for us again. This time, let’s chew it well, taking time to think about what it says instead of gulping it down. Okay?”
Luke nodded and began to read aloud, slowly and carefully. – Hazel Marett
How about you?
Do you read God’s Word carefully, or do you hurry through it each day? The suggested Bible reading is the most important part of these Keys for Kids devotions because the Bible teaches us about Jesus. Read the verses carefully—try reading them both before and after the story. Meditate on them by thinking about them as you read and keeping them in mind as you go about your day.
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