Daily Devotional for June 15, 2017
Don’t Delay

After Bible class, Trevor, Vince, and their teacher, Mr. Gomez, walked outside to the front of the church. Trevor looked at his phone. “My parents are on their way,” he said.
“I’ll wait out here with you for a while,” said Mr. Gomez. He turned to Vince. “I’m glad you started coming to class with Trevor, Vince.”
“Yeah, me too,” said Vince. “I like learning about Jesus.”
“That’s great,” said Mr. Gomez. “Have you thought about asking Jesus to be your Savior?”
“I don’t know,” said Vince. “That might be something I do later on.”
As Trevor watched for his parents, he noticed cars pulling to the roadside. “What’s going on?” he asked. The faint sounds of an ambulance could be heard. Within seconds the noise grew louder. They watched as a white vehicle with flashing lights whizzed by. “I hope everything’s okay,” said Trevor.
“Me too,” said Mr. Gomez.
“They go so fast!” said Vince.
“They have to,” said Mr. Gomez. “There’s no time to lose—I know firsthand. One time I had an acute asthma attack and needed an ambulance. When I got to the hospital, the doctor told me I could have died if I had delayed getting there. There are times when putting off something important can be very harmful or dangerous.”
Vince listened to the distant siren until the noise faded. He thought about what Mr. Gomez said in class—that Jesus loved him so much He died for his sins. “I think I’ve been putting off something really important,” Vince said.
“What do you mean?” asked Mr. Gomez.
“You’re the third person who’s asked me about trusting Jesus as Lord of my life, and I keep saying the same thing—some other time. I don’t want to do that anymore.”
Mr. Gomez and Trevor smiled. “Are you sure you’re ready?” asked Mr. Gomez.
“Yes,” said Vince. “I know Jesus died on the cross for me and loves me. I don’t want to put it off anymore.”
“Then let’s pray together,” said Mr. Gomez. Vince smiled and bowed his head. – Randy Saller
How about you?
Are you ever in a hurry to get someplace? We often want to get somewhere fast so we don’t miss out on anything good. There is no greater joy than being in a relationship with Jesus Christ. If you know about Jesus, don’t delay—run to Him and ask Him to be your Lord and Savior! You will be forever grateful. (See “The ABCs of Salvation” in the column to the right.)
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