Daily Devotional for April 19, 2023
Dolphins Don’t Doubt

Destiny and her sister Mazie bounced excitedly at the ticket booth. Mom had been teaching them all month about different sea animals. Now they were taking a field trip to the aquarium to see the animals they had been learning about.
When they entered the aquarium, Destiny pointed to a sign with a dolphin image and an arrow to the right. “Can we please go see the dolphins first?” Destiny begged.
Mom laughed. “Sure!”
When they reached the exhibit, Destiny hurried over and pressed her nose to the glass, watching as the dolphins swirled, twisted, and played. Their powerful tails pumped up and down as the dolphins glided smoothly through the blue water.
An aquarium worker noticed them and walked over. “Are you girls dolphin lovers?”
Destiny nodded. “They’re my favorite!”
“Yeah, we’ve been learning about them at school!” Mazie said.
“Oh really?” the worker asked. “What have you learned?”
“Dolphins are smart!” Mazie said. “They like to play and eat fish.”
“Yeah, and they use echolocation to hunt!” Destiny chimed in. “They make clicks that travel through the water as sound waves. When the sound waves hit an object, they bounce back to the dolphin and hit the melon, a part of their forehead that’s made up of fluid and fatty tissue. The melon shows the dolphin clear pictures of what’s up ahead, like sonar in a submarine.”
“It sounds like you know a lot!” the worker said.
On the drive back home, Mom said, “Destiny, why do dolphins need to use echolocation?”
“Sometimes they can’t see what’s up ahead because it’s too dark or murky,” Destiny replied.
“Exactly!” said Mom. “That got me thinking about how faith is like echolocation.”
“How?” Mazie asked.
“Sometimes things ahead are dark or uncertain. But our faith in Jesus means we can still have confidence God will guide us even when it’s hard to see,” Mom said. “We know Jesus is with us no matter what because He saved us and promises to be our light in the darkness. We can trust Him to help us.”
“And dolphins don’t doubt their echolocation,” Destiny said. She grinned. “I’m going to be like my favorite animal and trust my echolocation. I’m going to trust Jesus to guide me.”
-Olivia Summers
How about you?
Do you ever worry about what the future holds? Just like dolphins, we can be confident even if we can’t see what’s ahead. The Bible says our faith should guide us, not our sight. We can trust Jesus to lead us the way we should go. When you face an uncertain situation, seek His help by reading your Bible, praying, or talking with a trusted adult. Then trust that God will make His way clear!
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