Daily Devotional for June 3, 2020

Doing Chores Got You Down?

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Doing Chores Got You Down?

Today's Verse


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Bonnie walked listlessly into Grandma’s kitchen and sank into a chair. “It’s not fair!” she said miserably. “Mom knows I hate doing the dishes. I would rather do any other chore than dishes. I would gladly mow the lawn or do the laundry, anything but dishes!”

“Bonnie, you know your mother has to work a lot this summer, and she really needs your help at home,” Grandma replied.

“I know, Grandma, but dishes? Why can’t I do the other stuff and Mom can do the dishes?”

“Did you know that I used to hate cooking?” Grandma asked as she dished Bonnie a bowl of the yummy-smelling soup she was cooking. “I would have rather cleaned the pig sty than cook.” Grandma chuckled at the bewildered look on Bonnie’s face.

“But you’re always cooking! You cook for the homeless shelter and for the ladies at church. Why do you do it if you don’t like it?” Bonnie asked incredulously.

“I love it now. But when I was young on the farm, it was my job to cook for my family of eight. Oh, how I hated that task!”

Bonnie slurped a spoonful of soup. “So what changed?”

“One day in church the pastor preached a sermon about doing everything like you were doing the job for Jesus. I decided to try it. That night I prayed before I started cooking. ‘Lord, I hate this job. You know that I do. But I love You, and You were willing to suffer and die to save me. So I’m going to cook this meal in Your honor.’ And I did! I took extra special care to make everything perfect. I sang songs of worship and said a prayer asking God to bless the meal. That night at dinner, everyone complimented me on my cooking. The next night I decided to cook for Jesus again. After a few months, I found I was actually looking forward to cooking and my special time with the Lord.”

The next Saturday Bonnie bounced into Grandma’s kitchen. “Hey, Grandma, want me to wash up those dishes while you finish cooking?” Grandma smiled and nodded as Bonnie started singing her favorite worship song while she filled the sink with soapy water. CASEY COMSTOCK

How about you?

Are there certain chores you dread doing? Are there school assignments you think are boring? Try focusing on Jesus while you do the task. Remember that He was willing to do the hard, painful work of dying on a cross to save you. Use your work as an opportunity to thank and honor Him. You can find joy in any task when you do it for the glory of Jesus.

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