Daily Devotional for February 3, 2021
Does It Pay?

As Jeremy dragged his snow shovel home, the cold air seemed to go right to his bones. Shoveling Mrs. Walker’s driveway and front walk had been a big job—especially since he’d had to do it alone.
Jeremy was glad to find that his mom had a cup of hot chocolate waiting for him when he got home. “Thanks,” he said as he slumped onto a kitchen chair. “Know what, Mom? I sometimes wonder if doing the right thing really pays. I mean…it just doesn’t seem fair.”
Mom looked surprised. “What makes you say that?”
“Well, Harrison and I promised Mrs. Walker we’d shovel her driveway after school today,” Jeremy explained. “But then Mr. Gordon offered to pay anyone who would come and help clear his long driveway. Harrison went and did that instead! He broke his promise, and he even got paid for it!”
“That doesn’t seem fair,” agreed Mom. “But…you know, Jeremy, the Bible tells us not to envy those who seem to be rewarded for doing something wrong. God sees what’s happening, and the day will come when He’ll reward those who serve and obey Him.” She gave Jeremy’s shoulder a squeeze. “For what it’s worth, I’m very proud of what you did today.”
“Thanks, Mom,” mumbled Jeremy, “but…” He looked at his mom. “Do people you work with break their promises too? And get paid for it?”
Mom nodded. “I’m sorry to say that I regularly encounter people in business who seem to benefit from being dishonest or breaking promises. Sometimes it doesn’t seem fair to me either, but when things seem unfair to us, it helps to remember that God is fair. One day He will hold everyone accountable for the things they’ve done, and those whose sins have been forgiven by Jesus will receive their reward—eternal life with Him. Though it may sometimes seem like doing wrong pays off, it doesn’t. God promises to right every wrong one day, and He calls us as His children to do what is right.”
Jeremy nodded. He began to feel better about the situation. “Okay,” he said. “Even though I didn’t get any money for helping Mrs. Walker this afternoon, I’ll remember my pay is coming later.” • Deana L. Rogers
How about you?
Does it seem like others benefit from doing what is wrong? Do you know kids who seem to get away with cheating? Stealing? Lying? They’re not really getting away with anything. God will judge the world for its sin one day, which is why it’s so important to trust in Jesus—so our sins will not be held against us. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.) As followers of Jesus, we are called to do what is right, knowing our reward is with Him.
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