Daily Devotional for September 24, 2020
Do You See What I See?

“Mom! I got it!” Ariel said when she got home from school. “It’s finally my turn to borrow the Magic Eye book.”
“Remind me what that is,” Mom said.
“It’s a book of pictures—well, more like just shapes and colors, but if you stare really hard, a picture comes out—it’s like a 3D one,” explained Ariel. “My teacher said they used to sell these books all over the place, but now they’re harder to find. But she has one and is letting us take turns borrowing it.”
“I remember those books,” said Mom. “I could never see the pictures.”
“Here…hold it up to your eyes like this.” Ariel held the book right up to her mother’s face. “Then pull it away real slow. Keep your eyes on one spot—you’ll probably feel like you’re getting cross-eyed.” She paused. “It’s a cat. Can you see anything yet? Sometimes it takes a while.”
“I don’t see anything but squiggly lines of color. Are you sure there’s a picture here?” Mom asked.
When Ariel’s dad came into the kitchen, Ariel handed him the book and explained how to look for the cat. Dad found it on the fourth try.
They sat down to eat, and Dad thanked God for the food. “You know, Ariel,” he said as Mom handed him the mashed potatoes, “I was just thinking of your Magic Eye pictures. They remind me of how difficult it can sometimes be for people to see Jesus. We know He’s here, but sometimes it’s hard to explain it to people and get them to see Him too—to believe He’s real and loves us enough to die for us.”
Ariel nodded as she thought about her friends. “I tried to make Mariah understand about Jesus, but she just didn’t get it.”
“I had to try four times before I could see the cat, but I finally found it,” said Dad. “So keep talking to Mariah about Jesus, and we’ll all pray that she will understand. It’s really God who opens people’s eyes, not us.”
“Okay,” said Ariel. “I will.” She grinned and looked at her mom. “And I hope Mom will look for the cat again.”
Mom nodded. “And I’m going to find it!” she declared. • Nita M. Smiley
How about you?
Do you tell your friends about Jesus? Do you feel like you’re not getting through to them? Don’t give up. Keep being a positive influence and showing God’s love to your friends. Keep talking about Jesus and praying for the Holy Spirit to work in their lives. It may take a while, but He can open their eyes so they can see Jesus and His love for them.
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