Daily Devotional for October 25, 2018

Do You Know Him? (Part 1)

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Do You Know Him? (Part 1)

Today's Verse

Read: John 1:35-42 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

“Hey, Zane, wait up!” Julian called as he ran to catch up with a new boy in his class. “Didn’t you just move here from Chelton?”

“Yeah,” said Zane. “Got here last week.”

Julian beamed. “Isn’t that the hometown of Anthony Smith, the basketball player? Do you know him?”

“Oh yeah, I know Anthony,” Zane said, happy to meet someone who was interested in basketball. “Chelton is a small town, so everybody knows everybody. I’ve seen Anthony play lots of times, and he even autographed a ball for me. He taught me everything I know about basketball.”

Julian and Zane became close friends. If they weren’t playing ball, they were talking about it and hoping they could see Anthony Smith play. Zane always spoke proudly of his friendship with the famous basketball player. “My mom says I listen to him better than I do to her,” he said with a grin.

Soon the boys’ parents made plans to see Anthony Smith play. Their families would sit together in the bleachers close to the court. Everyone was looking forward to the big day.

On the Sunday before the game, Julian could hardly contain himself as he shared the news with his class at church. “Guess what! I’m going to meet Anthony Smith!”

“The basketball player?” asked his teacher, Mr. Jones.

“Yes! My friend Zane knows him,” said Julian. “We have tickets to see him play this week!”

“No way!” said one of the boys. “That’s cool.”

Julian nodded. “Zane talks about Anthony all the time. Since he knows him, I’ll get to meet him after the game!”

“That’s great, Julian!” said Mr. Jones. “And that’s also a good intro for what we’re going to talk about in class today—the importance of telling others about Jesus. Your friend Zane is a good example of someone who is eager to talk about an important person he knows. Those of us who know Jesus should be like that—eager to tell others about Him. When we share how exciting it is to know Jesus, we give others an opportunity to know Him too.” – Jan L. Hansen

How about you?

Are you eager to tell your friends about important people you know? What about Jesus—do you tell others you know Him? Today’s Bible reading tells how Andrew brought his own brother to meet Jesus. You can introduce a brother, sister, or friend to Jesus too! Tell them how wonderful it is to know Him personally and that they can know Him too.

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