Daily Devotional for September 4, 2017

Dirty Work

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Dirty Work

Today's Verse

Luke 16:10-12; 1 Corinthians 4:2 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

It was a warm day, and Dad had just finished digging up the garden plot so he and Violet and Griffin could plant sweet corn. “Hey, look!” exclaimed Violet, bending over a corner of the plot. “An earthworm! We learned about earthworms at school. They eat dirt.” She picked it up and waved it under her brother’s nose. “Doesn’t that sound yummy, Griffin?”

“Ew, gross!” Griffin batted at the worm in front of his face. “Cut it out!”

“Okay, you guys,” said Dad. “That’s enough of that. But you’re right, Violet, in a way, earthworms do eat dirt. As they move through the soil, it passes through their bodies and gives them nourishment, and the quality of the soil is also improved. Millions of acres of the earth’s topsoil are loosened in this way, allowing all kinds of good things to grow. As Christians, we can learn a lot from earthworms.”

Violet gave her dad a puzzled look. “What do earthworms have to do with Christians?”

“Well,” said Dad, “since they live underground, we don’t see earthworms working—and like Griffin, we may think their job doesn’t sound very appealing—but they keep at it anyway. That worm you’re holding is a good example of a faithful worker. Because he and all the other earthworms out there do their jobs faithfully, lots of people benefit from the things that are able to grow.”

“But Dad, a worm doesn’t decide to be faithful,” said Griffin. “It just does what earthworms do.”

“That’s right,” said Dad. “Earthworms are faithful because God made them that way—and He does the same for us as Christians. Jesus gives us the ability to faithfully serve Him, even in the hidden places—places where no one notices or praises us, doing tasks that aren’t always fun or rewarding. In those times, we need to remember that we’re serving Jesus and depend on Him to help us be faithful in doing our work, trusting that He will use it to help others grow.”

Violet looked at the worm squiggling in the palm of her hand. Then she put it down and smoothed dirt over it. “Thanks, faithful friend,” she said. “Keep working so we can have lots of good sweet corn!” – Christi B. Kehn

How about you?

Are you depending on Jesus to help you be faithful in the things He has given you to do? Trust Him to give you the ability and strength to do what He wants you to do—even when those things are difficult or others don’t seem to care. Remember that you are serving Jesus and trust that He will use your work to bless both you and others.

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