Daily Devotional for August 15, 2022
Deeply Rooted

“Mom!” cried Maria as she slammed the screen door behind her. “Come look at my rose bush. It’s not growing!”
Grabbing her mother’s hand, Maria led her out to the flower bed and pointed to a limp, wilting rose plant. “Why didn’t my roses grow?” Maria asked. “Yours did.”
Maria’s older brother heard her cries and came to investigate. “Mom told you the roots needed to be put down deep so they would grow strong, remember?” Diego said. “You didn’t plant it deep enough.”
“Judging from the way the plant looks, I think Diego is right,” said Mom.
“Want to plant it deeper now?” Diego asked. He picked up a shovel. “I’ll help you. It will still survive, won’t it, Mom?”
“I think so,” replied Mom.
When the rose bush had been planted deeper, Mom gently patted the soil around it. “Good,” she said. “That should help it grow. And now it’s time for you kids to study your Bible club lessons. Christians need to have deep roots too, you know. We need to be firmly rooted in the Lord.”
Diego grinned. “That’s why you make us study our lessons and learn Bible verses, right?” he asked. “And why we go to church?”
Mom smiled. “You could say that,” she said. “As you spend time in God’s Word and learn more about Jesus and all He has done, you have an opportunity to take in spiritual nourishment and develop stronger, deeper roots in your understanding of Jesus’s love for you.” She gave them each a hug. “I’m so happy to see you both begin to blossom. It’s obvious that the Holy Spirit is working in your lives and helping you grow in your faith. I can tell your roots in the Lord are becoming stronger.”
Wiping her soiled hands on her jeans, Maria twirled in a circle. “I’m a flower!” she declared. “A beautiful flower.” She grinned at her brother. “Are you a flower too, Diego?” she asked.
Diego chuckled. “Whatever type of plant I am, I know my roots are growing deeper in Jesus.”
-Hazel W. Marett
How about you?
Did you know that the Holy Spirit helps Christians grow more and more rooted in Jesus? As we study the Bible and pray—by ourselves and with other believers—Jesus nourishes us with His truth and promises. As we dwell on the good news of Jesus and rest in who we are in Him, our lives will be changed and we will grow to be more like our Savior. Take advantage of opportunities to learn more about Jesus and spend time with Him so your roots can grow deeper.
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