Daily Devotional for June 14, 2021
Deaf, Yet Hearing

“Our kids’ choir is going to sign the words as we sing today,” said Talia excitedly. “Even Milo will be able to understand them.” Milo was a deaf friend.
As the choir sang, Talia noticed Milo watching attentively as the kids signed the words to the song.
“It was so cool to see Milo listening,” she said at lunchtime. “And he watched the interpreter when Pastor Steven spoke too.”
That afternoon, Talia’s brother Joel asked her to help him with an experiment. She frowned. “No! I’m sick of your experiments!”
“But I really need help with this,” Joel said. Talia ignored him. “Please, Talia,” he pleaded.
“Get away from me,” she said crossly, adding some other unkind words.
Mom looked at Talia sadly. “You told us how eagerly Milo listened to the choir and to Pastor Steven this morning. Even though his ears didn’t work, he heard the message. But I’m not sure you did.”
Talia scowled. “I’m not deaf. Of course I heard it.”
Mom raised her brows. “Well, Pastor Steven reminded us how God showed us His love by sending Jesus to save us, and that we need to show others His love by building each other up and helping one another. After the service, I saw Milo give the candy he got in Sunday school to his sister, and he held the door open for a woman in a wheelchair. I think his actions showed that he heard the message with his heart even though he couldn’t hear it with his ears. Judging from the way you’ve been speaking to your brother, I wonder if the message stopped at your ears.”
Talia was startled. She knew that hearing God’s message with her ears was not as important as responding with her heart. “I…I’m sorry,” she said. She turned to her brother. “I’ll help you, Joel—if you still want me to.”
“Sure,” said Joel. He grinned at her. “I knew this experiment would be a good one! It’s done you good already.”
“Did not,” said Talia. “How did it do me any good?”
“Because you learned that you need to listen with your heart,” Joel said. “So you can thank my experiment for that lesson.” Then he smiled and led the way to his room.
-Nance E. Keyes
How about you?
How well do you hear? Does your heart respond to the messages God gives you in the Bible and at church? Or do you hear them only with your ears and fail to put them into practice? Don’t let what God says to you go in one ear and out the other. Think about it and respond with your heart. Be a doer of God’s Word.
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