Daily Devotional for August 26, 2017
Dark Glasses

“We had so much fun!” Larissa said when she got home after spending the afternoon at the beach with a friend. She plopped down in a chair and looked around the room. “Why is it so dark in here?” she wanted to know.
Her brother laughed. “Because you’re still wearing your sunglasses,” he told her. Larissa laughed too and removed the glasses.
Dad smiled. “I just thought of something, Larissa.” He reached for a Bible and opened it. “Put those glasses back on and come here a minute. I’d like you to read some verses for me.” Dad pointed to the passage he wanted her to read.
Larissa looked at the Bible. “You mean with my glasses on?” she asked, and Dad nodded.
Larissa held the Bible a little closer. The print wasn’t very clear, but she managed to read it. “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” Larissa stopped reading and grinned at her dad. “Seeing through dark glass describes me—it’s like me reading through sunglasses.”
“It describes all of us,” said Dad. “When your cousin Payson died last month, we were very upset—and even angry—weren’t we?”
A sad look crossed Larissa’s face, and she nodded her head.
“We all had questions—we wanted to know why it happened, right?”
Again, Larissa nodded. She still wondered.
“In this life, we see the things that happen as if we were wearing dark glasses,” Dad continued. “Many things are unclear, and we wonder why God allows them to happen. But when we meet Jesus face to face, we won’t have questions like that anymore. We’ll truly understand that His will is perfect and everything happens according to His plan. For now, we just need to remember that Jesus knows our pain and trust that He’s in control and working everything for good.”
Larissa took her sunglasses off and looked at them. “I don’t understand why God let Payson die,” she said. “But I’m glad Jesus knows how we feel and is helping us through it.” – Richard S. Maffeo
How about you?
Do you find it hard to trust God when you can’t see how things are going to end or why certain things happen? Jesus knows how you feel, and He promises to help you through any situation you face. You can trust Him to be with you and work everything for good, even when you don’t understand.
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