Daily Devotional for January 28, 2023
Dare to Be Like Daisy

A hairy body landed with a thump on the bed beside Eden, barking furiously.
“Be quiet, Daisy,” murmured Eden sleepily. Daisy barked again. Annoyed, Eden pushed the dog away. “Leave me alone!” Daisy bounded off the bed and ran out of the room.
Suddenly…THUMP! Daisy returned and pounced on Eden, dashed away, and then came back and pounced again and again, all the while barking loudly. Eden sat up with a huff. “You dumb dog,” she grumbled. “Go away!” Daisy ran to the door and barked, looking back at Eden.
Eden sniffed. Smoke, she thought. I smell smoke! She scrambled out of bed and ran into the hall just as her parents came out of their room. They all hurried out to the yard, and then Dad called 911. Eden sat on the curb and gently stroked Daisy’s soft fur while they waited for the fire trucks to arrive.
The next morning, Eden’s friend Amy ran up to her at school. “I’m surprised to see you! I thought you’d stay home today to clean up.”
“There wasn’t much damage, and Mom says the insurance people will send a cleaning crew. We have a lot to be thankful for!”
“The news said your dog woke your family up,” Amy said. “That’s amazing!”
“Yeah, it seems the smoke alarms we had were defective, so it’s a good thing we had Daisy. We could’ve all died of smoke inhalation!”
As Eden looked at her friend, a thought struck her. I know I would have gone to be with Jesus if I’d died in that fire, but what if it had happened to Amy? She doesn’t know Jesus. Eden remembered how mad she’d gotten at Daisy for trying to get her out of bed, but the dog had kept at it. Daisy didn’t quit even though I didn’t listen to her the first time, Eden thought. But when I tried to talk to Amy about Jesus and she didn’t seem interested, I gave up. I need to be more like Daisy and keep praying for Amy and trying to help her know more about Jesus.
“It was scary, but I know I would have gone to be with Jesus if I died,” Eden told her friend. “Even when bad things happen, I have peace knowing He saved me.”
-Hazel W. Marett
How about you?
Do you talk to your friends about Jesus and let them know what He’s done for you? Even if they don’t want to hear it at first? Sometimes people respond to the good news of the gospel right away, but other times it can take months or even years of talking about Jesus and showing them how He’s changed your life. Don’t give up. Keep praying for your friends, and trust God to use you to help them know more about Jesus.
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