Daily Devotional for November 5, 2022
Dancing Pine Needles

“I’m sick of watching Lucas!” Olivia couldn’t believe her mom had asked her to stay home again.
Olivia’s mom looked up from her computer. “I’m sorry, but I need to get this report done.”
Olivia charged out the back door, letting it slam. Lucas sat on the porch swing, twisting a pine needle between his thumb and forefinger. He was always playing with pine needles. It was his “thing.”
Olivia sat at the porch table. “I could’ve been swimming at Hannah’s house,” she grumbled. “Instead, I have to watch Lucas again!”
Olivia got busy with a game on her tablet, but a few minutes later, she heard Lucas scream. She looked up and saw him pulling his hair with one fist and hitting his head with the other.
Olivia called into the house and Mom rushed out. She ran to Lucas and began to soothe him. After some time, Lucas calmed down, and Olivia’s mom helped him into the house. Before he went inside, Lucas grabbed another pine needle off the grass.
Olivia clenched her fists. “I hate it when he has a meltdown!”
“He’s frustrated,” said Mom. “Lucas isn’t able to use words to tell us what he needs.”
“Why doesn’t God do something?” Olivia asked. “I pray every day for God to help Lucas feel better!”
“I don’t know, Olivia,” said Mom. “But I do know God is good and that He is with us. Jesus loved us enough to die a terrible death so we could have eternal life with Him, and He promises to end suffering and heal our broken world one day. Because of Him, the troubles we face in life won’t get the last word. We can trust Him, even though we don’t have all the answers.”
Later, Olivia and Lucas walked into the living room to watch a show together. Olivia even brought her brother an oatmeal cookie, his favorite.
Lucas chewed the cookie while twirling his pine needle. As Olivia watched the pine needle dance between Lucas’s fingers, she prayed a silent prayer. God, thank You for making Lucas my brother, even if he is different. Please keep him safe. And thank You for loving him—and me—so much.
-Bonnie Carr
How about you?
How do you feel when you or someone you love is suffering? Have you brought those feelings to Jesus? He is with you no matter what you are facing, and He is working all things for His good purposes. As Christians, we can find comfort knowing God is good and that He loves us very much. We can trust His promise to make all things new—free from sin, suffering, and death.
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