Daily Devotional for February 3, 2020
Counterfeit Goodness

“I’m glad you came today, Alex,” said Oliver as the boys rode their bikes home after an event at Oliver’s church. “How did you like it?”
“The games were fun and the music was okay,” Alex replied, “but the speaker said the only way to get to heaven is through Jesus. That can’t be right. I’m a good person—I don’t do anything really bad. If I keep doing good things, I’ll get to heaven just fine.”
By now the boys were at Oliver’s house. His mom was still at work, so Oliver used his key to get in.
“The thing is,” Oliver said as he got them a snack, “that’s not what the Bible says about how to get to heaven. It says—well, here’s an illustration our pastor gave us that might help explain it.” Oliver got a piece of paper, wrote “$100” on it, and held it out to Alex. “Take this to the store and buy something,” Oliver told him.
“You’re kidding!” exclaimed Alex. “Even if you could make that look real, somebody would know it’s counterfeit. I’d be in trouble if I tried to use it.”
“Exactly!” Oliver said. He waved the piece of paper. “All the good things we do are like this paper—all our goodness is counterfeit and can’t get us to heaven. We’re in trouble if we depend on it.” Alex didn’t look convinced. “The stuff we do might look good to us, but God knows we’re not really good,” Oliver continued. “He knows we’ve all sinned—done things that are wrong.”
“So, where does Jesus come in?” Alex asked uncertainly.
“Nothing we do can get rid of our sin, so God sent His perfect Son to save us from it. Jesus paid for our sins by dying on the cross, then came back to life! He’s the only one who can free us from sin and give us eternal life. Our own efforts are like this worthless piece of paper.”
Alex shrugged, and Oliver saw he was ready to leave. “I’ll have to think about it some more,” Alex said as he headed for the door, “but maybe I’ll come to your church again sometime.” Ruth Andrews
How about you?
Do you think you’re good? Good enough to get into heaven? Things you do to try to get to heaven may look good to you, but not to God. The Bible says there is no one who does what is good—we’ve all sinned. All of your own goodness is as phony as counterfeit money. The only way to be right with God and have eternal life is through Jesus. Trust Him as your Savior.
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