Daily Devotional for May 4, 2019
Costly but Free

“Are we taking anything to Mrs. Grant today?” Josie asked. She and her mother were getting ready to visit an elderly widow who lived nearby.
“I learned that Mrs. Grant hadn’t picked up a prescription her doctor called in for her,” said Mom, “so I picked it up to take as a gift.”
When they arrived at Mrs. Grant’s house, Mom took out the medicine. Mrs. Grant drew back. “I don’t have money to pay for that right now,” she said.
“That’s okay,” Mom said. “Josie and I brought it today as a gift.”
The elderly woman shook her head. “Oh, no. I can’t accept it unless I can pay for it.”
“Please, Mrs. Grant,” said Mom in her soft, kind voice. “We want to give this to you. We love you and want to see you get well again. Please take it.”
Mrs. Grant looked at her. “Well, all right.” She smiled. “Thank you so much!”
They followed Mrs. Grant into the living room and sat down. “You know, that gift we brought you made me think of something,” Mom told Mrs. Grant. “We’ve talked several times about Jesus, but you keep telling me you have nothing to offer Him.”
Mrs. Grant nodded. “I never felt like I had anything to offer God—and I certainly have nothing to offer Him now.”
“None of us do,” Mom replied. “Salvation is free.”
“Free,” Mrs. Grant repeated. “You always tell me that, and it sounds nice. But it just seems to me like it should cost something.”
“It did! It cost Jesus His life,” Mom explained. “He died to pay for our wrongs because He loves us, and then He rose from the dead. Now He’s offering the gift of eternal life to all who trust Him as their Savior.”
Josie could not be quiet any longer. “It’s just like the medicine,” she said excitedly. “That’s a gift for you—so you can’t pay for it. You can’t pay for God’s gift either. It’s free. You just have to accept it.”
Mrs. Grant was quiet for a few moments. “So eternal life really is free,” she said in wonder. “I never quite understood that until now.”
How about you?
Have you given any thought to the cost of salvation? It’s free to you, but salvation—forgiveness for sin and eternal life—was bought and paid for by Jesus Christ. It cost Him His life, but He offers it to you as a gift. You can’t pay for a gift—there is no charge. Trust Jesus as your Savior today and accept the gift He offers.
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