Daily Devotional for October 3, 2020
Coming Home

Did you enjoy your trip to Germany, Peter?” Mrs. Noble asked. The librarian was good friends with Peter’s mom and knew his family had traveled out of the country.
“It was so much fun!” Peter replied. “We saw the Reichstag—one of their important government buildings—and the Berlin Wall. Then we traveled to the mountains and went inside Neuschwanstein Castle. It was like a picture from a fairy tale!”
“Did you visit any of the cathedrals or museums?” asked Mrs. Noble.
“A few. But I liked the small towns better. And my favorite day was the one we spent on the beach overlooking the North Sea.”
“It sounds like fun. I bet you weren’t ready to come home yet,” said Mrs. Noble.
“I was ready,” Peter said. “I liked seeing new places, but the food tasted funny, and sometimes it was hard to understand people even when they were speaking English. And none of the beds I slept in were as comfortable as my own. After a while, I also started missing my friends and my dog, Rufus.”
“It’s normal to feel homesick when you’re in another country far away from home.” Mrs. Noble looked thoughtful. “That reminds me of something written in the book of Hebrews. It says that when we trust Jesus as our Savior, our home country is in heaven, where Jesus is. Because of sin, the world we live in now is broken. It’s not where we belong. We’re just here as visitors for a little while until we go to be with Him.”
“And when we get there, we’ll see other Christians who have died and gone there,” Peter added. “Like my Grandpa Miller.”
“And my sister Betty,” said Mrs. Noble. “Best of all, we’ll see Jesus! And even though heaven and earth are separated now, it won’t stay that way. One day, when Jesus returns, He’ll fix this broken world and make it new again, and all those who know Him as their Savior will live with Him there forever.” Mrs. Noble smiled at Peter wistfully. “It will feel just like coming home.” • Michelle Isenhoff
How about you?
Have you ever been homesick? When we visit an unfamiliar place, it’s normal to long for the comfort and safety of home. In the same way, when we see sin and its painful consequences here on earth, believers long for the day when sin will be gone for good. Our home is with Jesus, and it will be a perfect place prepared specially for those who put their trust in Him.
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