Daily Devotional for January 15, 2018
Come and See

Michael stood on a stepstool so he could see over the fender to where his dad was working underneath the hood. “What are you doing?” he asked.
“I’m replacing the spark plugs,” said Dad. “Then it should run a lot better.”
“Cool!” said Michael. “Are you going to do anything else?”
“After this I’ll replace the brake pads,” Dad said.
“I want to watch when you do,” Michael said. Then he thought of his friend down the street who loved cars. “Can Jason can come and see too?”
“There should be room for both of you to watch,” said Dad. “Why don’t you go ask him while I finish up these spark plugs?”
Michael was so excited, he ran the whole way. He didn’t want to miss seeing anything.
Dad was ready to start on the brake pads by the time Michael returned with Jason. First Dad removed a wheel. The boys stepped back to give him room. Then he loosened the nuts that held something called a caliper. The boys moved closer together to get a better view of the action. Dad then took off the brake pads and made sure each of them got a good look.
“See how thin it is right here?” he asked, pointing to the thin layer of material on the old brake pad. “It’s worn away from use. It’s dangerous not to replace it when it looks like this.” Then he held up a new one for them to see that was black and much thicker.
“Thanks for letting me watch,” Jason said after Dad had put the new brake pads on the wheels. “I’m sure glad Michael came and got me.”
Dad smiled at Michael. “You running to get Jason reminds me of the story in the Bible about Philip telling Nathanael to come and see Jesus.”
“You learn about Jesus at church, right?” asked Jason. “We don’t go to church.”
“Why don’t you come with us sometime?” Michael asked. “We learn about Jesus and sing and hear stories from the Bible. Come and see!”
“Yeah, maybe I will,” said Jason. “I’ll ask my parents!”
After Jason left, Dad patted Michael’s shoulder. “I’m proud of you for inviting Jason to church. I hope he comes and sees how much Jesus loves him!” – Bonnie Clarkson
How about you?
Do you invite others to come and see Jesus? There are lots of way you can do that, such as inviting friends to church, telling others what Jesus has done for you, or letting people see His love and kindness in the way you treat them. Not everyone knows who Jesus is or that He died for our sins, and it’s our job to tell them. Invite others to come and see how much Jesus loves them and all He’s done for them.
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