Daily Devotional for May 2, 2019
Cockatoos and Goannas

The Australian landscape sizzled in the heat as Jackson joined his sister on the porch. “Will you pour me some juice, please, Jackson?” Emma asked, pointing to the pitcher on a table. She put down her Bible. “I’ve been trying to learn a verse, but it’s too hot. The words won’t stick in my head.”
Jackson poured juice into two glasses. “What verse do you have to learn?”
“Psalm 19:1. ‘The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky,’ uh . . .” Emma paused. “I can’t remember it.”
As Jackson handed Emma a glass of juice, a pink bird with a tuft of red feathers on its head suddenly shot into the air, screeching in distress. “What’s that cockatoo’s problem?” Emma asked.
Dad had come out to the porch, and he pointed to a dark shape that was silently clawing its way up the gnarled trunk of the tree in the front yard. “That big lizard with the evil-looking eyes is a goanna,” said Dad. “It’s hungry for lunch, and it likes baby cockatoos. Watch what happens.”
Slowly, relentlessly, the goanna hauled itself upward. It was near the nest when the cockatoo swooped. The reptile turned and lost his balance. He clutched frantically at the tree but lost his grip, then crashed to the ground and skittered away.
“Cockatoos prepare for enemies,” said Dad. “Notice how the branches and rough bark are cleared away from the area around the nest. The goanna couldn’t get a toehold there. He didn’t have firm footing, so he fell.” Dad motioned to Emma’s Bible. “Christians need to prepare for their enemy too,” he added. “Do you know who our enemy is and how we can keep him from getting a toehold in our lives?”
“Our enemy is Satan,” said Emma.
“We keep him away by remembering that we belong to Jesus and He defeated Satan when He died on the cross,” added Jackson.
“That’s right,” said Dad. “And God’s Word helps us remember that. It prepares us for enemy attacks.”
“I guess that’s why I need to learn my Bible verses!” said Emma.
Dad nodded. “Satan may try to discourage us or get us to sin, but when we look to Jesus and remember that we belong to Him, Satan loses his grip.”
How about you?
Do you take time to read the Bible and memorize verses? They can help you when the enemy tries to get a toehold in your life. When Satan tries to get you to sin, remember that Jesus gives you the power to resist (Hebrews 2:18). When he tries to make you feel guilty, remember that Jesus has removed your sin (Psalm 103:12). Prepare for enemy attacks by reading and memorizing God’s Word.
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