Daily Devotional for November 6, 2019
Clumsy Claire

As Avery turned away from the lunch counter at school, her tray was knocked from her hands. Spattered with food, she looked angrily at the girl who had bumped into her. It was Clumsy Claire.
“Oh, Avery, I’m so sorry!” Claire began, blushing as the boys behind her snickered and laughed.
Avery stooped and began to pick up scattered silverware and broken glass as Claire tried to wipe up the food with a napkin. “Don’t bother with that,” said Avery. “I’ll get a janitor.”
Claire looked like she was about to cry. “I’m really sorry,” she mumbled as Avery brushed by her.
When Avery got home, her mom asked why there were food splatters on her clothes. “Poor Claire! She must be terribly embarrassed,” said Mom after hearing the story.
“What about me? I’m the one who was embarrassed!” said Avery.
“I’m sure you were, and I’m sorry,” said Mom. “But it’s important to think of Claire’s feelings too. Can you think of a way to help make her feel more at ease? She doesn’t seem to have many friends, and from what you’ve said, it sounds like kids tease her a lot.”
Yeah, Avery thought. They call her Clumsy Claire, because that’s what she is—clumsy! But all evening, her mom’s words kept running through her mind. Avery was a Christian, and she knew Jesus loved Claire as much as He loved her, and He wanted her to show Claire His love and kindness.
After Avery got her lunch tray the next day, she made her way to the table in the far corner where Claire was sitting by herself. As she approached. she saw an uncomfortable blush creep up Claire’s neck and into her face. “Hey,” Avery said with a smile.
“I’m sorry I bumped into you yesterday,” Claire said. “I didn’t mean to.”
“I know you didn’t, Claire. I sometimes do things like that too. Everybody does.”
Avery asked Claire what kind of things she liked to do for fun. As the girls talked, Claire began to relax, and Avery felt better too. Dear Lord, she prayed silently, please help me be a friend to Claire—not just today, but every day. Nancy K. Potter
How about you?
Do you know someone who is lonely? Is there someone who needs a friend? Remember how much Jesus loves you, and that He loves everyone else too. How can you show others His love and kindness? Maybe you can invite someone to sit with you at lunch or to play with you at recess. Ask Jesus to help you be a friend to others.
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