Daily Devotional for March 11, 2018
Clearing the Roadblock

Kaitlyn sighed loudly when Mom had to stop because of a roadblock. Workers were repairing the bridge ahead, and traffic was temporarily stopped. “How long will we have to wait?” she asked.
“I’m not sure,” Mom replied. “It might be a while.”
Kaitlyn looked out the window. She saw a red van, a delivery truck, some cars, and a motorcycle. Drivers craned their necks, trying to see if they’d be able to move soon.
“Are we going to be late to swim class?” Kaitlyn asked. The class at the community pool on the other side of the bridge started at ten.
“I don’t know,” Mom said, “but we can’t go anywhere until that roadblock is removed.”
Kaitlyn sighed impatiently. “I wish they’d work faster!”
“Well, it’s out of our control,” replied Mom. “We’ll just have to be patient.”
They waited another five minutes. Then Kaitlyn noticed cars moving ahead. “Look!” she said. “I think the roadblock’s down!”
Mom slowly eased the car forward, and soon they were across the bridge. Kaitlyn let out a sigh of relief. “I’m so glad we’re going to make it to swim class!”
Mom smiled. “Just this morning I was reading about a different kind of roadblock,” she said.
“Really?” asked Kaitlyn.
Mom nodded. “The book I was reading referred to sin as a roadblock that keeps us from being close to God. But unlike that roadblock on the bridge, we don’t need to wait and wait for Jesus to remove a roadblock of sin in our lives. He does that the moment we confess what we’ve done wrong and ask for forgiveness.”
“Right,” said Kaitlyn. “And because He saved us by dying for all our sins, we don’t have to wonder if He still loves us or if we’re still saved when we mess up.”
Mom nodded. “Jesus promises to always forgive us, and He gives us power over sin so we can say no when we’re tempted to do something wrong. When we confess our wrongs to Him and ask for forgiveness, we can feel His love and grace in our lives and enjoy fellowship with Him.”
Mom swung the car into the pool parking lot, and Kaitlyn hopped out. “Thanks, Mom,” she said. “If I hurry, I can still make warm-ups.” – Janet Boulter
How about you?
Is there a roadblock of sin in your life that’s keeping you from fully enjoying your relationship with God? Good news—Jesus can remove it! Confess your wrong to Him and ask Him to forgive you and remove it from your life. Thank Him for His love and grace, and trust Him to give you the power to do what’s right. Then get back to enjoying your relationship with Him!
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