Daily Devotional for October 10, 2019
Clearing the Cobwebs

“You dust real good now,” Darrell’s grandma ordered. “The other maid left cobwebs everywhere.”
Darrell fought back tears as he ran the feathers of a duster over Grandma’s pictures and keepsakes. When he came to a small shadow box with a butterfly inside, he couldn’t take it anymore. Grabbing it off the shelf, he ran into the hall.
Mom came out to find him clutching the memento, choking down sobs. “Oh, Darrell,” she said, wrapping him in her arms. Ada, their favorite nurse, walked past them into Grandma’s room.
Darrell looked up into his mom’s face. “Why do we even come see her if it hurts so much? She doesn’t even recognize us. I want to go home.”
Mom cupped his chin in her hands. “I know it’s hard to see Grandma like this, knowing how she was before she had Alzheimer’s. Remember what she always said? ‘Jesus never gave up on me, so I can’t give up on anyone.’ That’s what we need to do now. We need to keep loving her and taking care of her, knowing Jesus won’t give up on her either.” Mom pointed to the butterfly in Darrell’s hand. “One day He’ll give her a new body—kind of like how a caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly—and she’ll be herself again.”
Ada came out of the room with Darrell’s grandma. “Y’all comin’ for dinner? Mrs. Adkins was just tellin’ me she has guests.”
As Darrell escorted his grandma to the dining hall, she noticed the box in his hand. “Oh, a blue morpho,” she said. “I used to catch butterflies.”
“I know, Grandma. We caught this together, remember?” She gave him a puzzled look.
After dinner, there was a hymn sing. Darrell’s grandmother sang every word. He gazed up at her, surprised. She beamed down at him and took his hand. He smiled wide and sang loud.
“Give me a big smush, darling boy,” Grandma said before they left.
“She does remember me!” Darrell exclaimed when they were outside.
Mom nodded. “Sometimes it just takes a brush of God’s hand to clear away the cobwebs for a bit. Love, old memories, and worshiping together remind us of what He has in store for us when we live with Him forever.” Mary Whitlow
How about you?
Do you know someone who’s not the way they used to be? Maybe they grew old or got sick and seem like a different person. It’s hard to see people we love change like that, but remember that Jesus is stronger. He promises to restore the bodies of those who trust in Him and to be with us as we wait for that day to come. Trust Him to help you not give up on loving others as you look forward to a bright future with Him.
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