Daily Devotional for April 22, 2022
Clean-up Day

“There’s a cleanup at the beach today to celebrate Earth Day,” Dad said at breakfast. “Volunteers are needed to walk along the beach and pick up any trash they find. Why don’t we go help?”
Diego made a face. “I don’t want to pick up other people’s trash! It’s not my job to clean up after them.”
“It’s true we’re all responsible for our own trash and should not throw it on the beach,” said Dad. “But, sadly, littering is still a problem, and one way to help fix it is to work together to clean it up. We all need to help take care of the beautiful world God gave us.”
Diego still didn’t look convinced. “Think of it this way,” Dad told him. “Remember what happened to your bike last winter? You left it lying under a bush behind the garage, and by the time the snow melted, it was all rusted. Your mom and I trusted you to take care of it.”
Diego sighed. “But I didn’t.”
“Well, God made this world for us to enjoy—and that’s way more important than a bike,” said Dad. “The trash that people leave pollutes God’s creation. It makes the beautiful beach look messy, and it may even kill or injure fish, animals, and birds that live in or near the ocean.” Dad paused. “Do you remember who God created in His own image and put in charge of all the living creatures in Genesis, the first book of the Bible?”
“Adam and Eve,” said Diego. “So, does that mean we’re in charge of them too?”
Dad nodded. “As people made in His image, God has given us the job to take care of His creation—and as people who trust in Jesus, we’ve also been given the job to share the hope of Jesus with the world. One small way to do that is to pick up other people’s trash, because that’s like what Jesus did for us—He removed our sins! And even though we can’t fix everything that’s wrong in the world, Jesus can, and one day He will when He returns to make all things new.”
Diego thought for a moment. “Okay. Let’s go help with the beach cleanup.”
-Jacqueline J. Leaycraft
How about you?
Are you thankful for the beautiful world God created for us? Are you doing what you can to take care of it? Today is Earth Day. Check to see if there are any activities in your area that you can participate in to help protect the earth and keep it clean—or come up with your own! But don’t limit caring for God’s creation to Earth Day. Celebrate the gift of His creation—and His promise to one day restore it to perfection—every day of the year.
Today's Verse
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 NKJV
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