Daily Devotional for December 2, 2022
Christmas Wreath

“Mmm, this smells so good,” Kyle said as he picked up a fresh Christmas wreath out of the back of his mom’s car.
“I know. I love the smell of pine too,” Mom said. “You can set the wreath on the porch for now.”
Kyle was just a couple of feet from the porch when he tripped over his skateboard. The wreath flew out of his hands and hit the ground with a thud. When it fell, some parts of it came loose.
“Oh, Kyle!” exclaimed Mom. “Are you all right?”
“Yeah,” said Kyle as Mom helped him up. Then they both examined the wreath to assess the damage. “I’m so sorry. Did I ruin it?” Kyle asked.
“It’s a little beaten up,” said Mom. “But I should be able to fix it.” She paused. “Didn’t I tell you to put your skateboard away earlier?”
Kyle nodded. “Yes, but I forgot. I’m sorry.”
“Why don’t you grab your skateboard and take it to the garage where it belongs?” Mom smiled. “That way, no more humans or wreaths will get injured.”
Kyle smiled and did as he was told. When he got back to the front porch, his mom had the wreath fixed and was hanging it on the front door.
“How does it look?” Mom asked as she took a step back.
“Looks good, Mom,” Kyle replied. “Why do we put wreaths up at Christmastime anyway?”
“Well, I like to think of wreaths as reminders of God’s endless love for us,” said Mom. “Wreaths are in the shape of a circle, and circles have no end. And there’s also no end to God’s love for us. Jesus demonstrated this when He came to earth as a baby that first Christmas. He is fully God, but He also became fully human to die for our sins, and even though He is now risen, He will always be human. He will be both God and man—both divine and human—for all eternity! That’s how much He loves us. He became one of us so He could be with us forever.”
“I’m thankful God’s love for us is endless,” said Kyle.
“Me too,” said Mom. “Whenever I look at this wreath, I remember that, no matter what we do or what we face, God’s love is greater.”
-Melissa Yeagle
How about you?
Do you know how much God loves you? At Christmastime, we remember that Jesus, who is God, loves us so much that He came to earth as a human and died for our wrongs so we could be saved from sin and death. He became one of us so we could have a home with Him forever. His love for you is endless. Have you put your trust in Him? (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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