Daily Devotional for May 8, 2017
Chocolate Milk Confessions

Lexie twirled around her room in her new dress. She couldn’t wait to wear it to her cousin’s wedding on Saturday!
Mom stood smiling at the door. “You’d better take that dress off before you spill something on it, Lexie. I’m off to the store—do you want to come or stay home with Dad?”
“I think I’ll stay here,” answered Lexie.
Once Mom was gone, Lexie rushed downstairs. Dad was outside gardening. Lexie swished about in her dress as she got a bottle from the fridge and poured a glass of chocolate milk. I won’t spill it—I’m not a baby! she thought, flicking on the television.
Glued to her favorite TV show, Lexie accidentally tilted her glass. She gasped as a cold trickle of chocolate milk landed in her lap. Frantically, she tried dabbing at the stain with a napkin, but that only seemed to make it spread.
I have to get rid of this stain before Mom sees it! Lexie thought. Then she heard a car. Mom was back! Lexie knew she had a choice—run upstairs and pretend nothing had happened or tell the horrible truth. A story she’d heard in Sunday school about King David suddenly came to her mind, and how bad he felt when he tried to cover up his sin. Lexie took a deep breath as Mom’s key turned in the lock.
“Mom, I’m so sorry. I didn’t listen!” Lexie blurted out as Mom walked in. “I spilt chocolate milk and now my dress is ruined!”
“Oh, Lexie!” Mom sighed. “Let me see.”
Lexie nervously moved her hand away from the soggy stain. Mom tilted the fabric toward the light. “Lexie, I’m disappointed you didn’t obey me, but I’m glad you told me the truth.”
“I almost didn’t tell you,” Lexie confessed. “But then I remembered a story Mrs. Summers told us in church about bringing things into the light.”
Mom smiled. “Mrs. Summers is right. Admitting we’ve messed up is never easy. But if that stain had dried into the fabric, it would have been much harder to remove. It’s the same with sin. If we cover it up, it just makes a bigger mess in the end. Now, let’s get that dress in the wash!” – Angela Jelf
How about you?
Have you ever been scared to admit when you’ve done something wrong? Have you ever told a lie to cover up a mistake you made? It can be difficult to confess our sins, but the Bible tells us that when we try to hide our mistakes, we only end up causing ourselves more pain. The next time you mess up, admit it—God is always ready to forgive your sin and wash you clean.
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