Daily Devotional for February 11, 2020
Character Counts

“And first place goes to Isabelle Jones!”
Noah’s heart sank. He’d spent hours on his science fair entry. He’d put in the extra effort, but there was not going to be a trophy, not even a ribbon, for him to bring home.
During dinner that evening, Noah’s dad asked what was wrong. “I’m still upset about the science fair,” Noah answered. “What’s the point of working hard if I don’t win?”
Dad scooped a second helping of green beans onto his plate. “Noah,” he said, “working hard isn’t only about winning. We work hard to bring God glory and because we know He’s working in our lives to help us develop good character.”
“Character,” Noah echoed. “We’ve been talking about character in school, but I guess I’m not even sure what it really means.”
“Your character is part of what makes you you,” Dad answered. “Do you treat other people kindly? Do you tell the truth? Do you make wise choices? How you answer all of those questions tells a lot about your character.”
Noah took a sip of milk. “So, working hard is worth it…even if I don’t win?”
“That’s exactly right,” Dad said. “Because we trust in Jesus, we can be joyful about the tough things in life, like losing a contest even though we worked hard, because we know He’ll use those things to make us stronger and build our character. I noticed how you congratulated Isabelle after she won—that’s an example of good character.”
Dad paused to chew a green bean before continuing. “Character also strengthens our hope in Jesus because it shows how He’s working in our lives to make us more like Him. It reminds us how He’s saved us from sin and promises to finish the good work He’s started in us.”
“You know,” said Noah, “I still kind of wish I had won the contest, but now I can see that all my hard work wasn’t for nothing. I learned a lot, and God used it to help me grow—without me even knowing it!”
Noah thought more about what he and his dad had talked about as he got ready for bed. As he prayed, he thanked God for using hard things to help him grow in his faith. Amanda Jass
How about you?
Did you ever work hard at something and then feel discouraged when you didn’t win or get a good grade? Or maybe you were a kind friend, but that person still said something mean about you. Don’t give up. God can use those things to help you grow in your faith. Trust Him to use those situations to build your character and remind you of the hope you have in Jesus.
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